September 2015 - page B6

Page B6
S ec t i on B
Passare, Inc Names Jay Thomas as Vice
President and Chief Executive Officer
Zontec System Installed in Riverview
Cemetery, Jefferson City, Missouri
Progressive Environmental Services
Introduces Free Equipment to
Revolutionize the Post Cremation
Recycling Industry
years ago,
Progressive En-
vironmental Services
tered the death care indus-
try with two purposes in
mind….First, to educate
crematories and funeral
homes about the economic
value of post cremated met-
als and secondly to actual-
ly pay the crematories and
funeral homes the value of
those metals recovered. Be-
fore Progressive Environ-
mental Services there was
only one company paying
pennies for only the post
cremation implants and
nothing for the dental im-
plants that had substantial
With Progressive Envi-
ronmental Services, crema-
toriums and funeral homes
receive thousands of dollars
to be used for charitable do-
nations, beautification pro-
grams or to help with oper-
ating expenses.
Progressive customers also
receive twelve million dol-
lars in both general liability
coverage and environmen-
tal coverage. They receive
insurance accords with
their names listed as cer-
tificate holders, EPA doc-
uments to prove chain of
custody should an inspec-
tor ever question them and
the peace of mind knowing
they are within environ-
mental compliance.
Many other startups have
tried to copy what Progres-
sive has accomplished over
36 years. Imitation is not
Environmental Services re-
grets to inform it’s custom-
ers that these outfits are ha-
rassing the industry with
outrageous and bombastic
claims and telephone calls.
Keep in mind, the liability
is yours, do your due dili-
gence to insure that you are
dealing with a legitimate,
respected and responsible
company for your recycling
As a result Progressive’s
tireless effort to educate and
inform the deathcare indus-
try of the economic value
of these metals; Progressive
has developed a new patent
pending device called the
“Metallic Filtration Unit.”
This device eliminates steps
and time of searching and
picking out post cremated
non-combustible metals.
The unit reduces steps to an
operator’s already busy job.
The operator is required to
take the remains from the
processor and pour them
through the unit. Metallics
are separated for collection
into a Progressive collec-
tion container, while the re-
mains flow directly into the
urn collection box. There is
no charge for this device.
There is already an exten-
for additional information
and an opportunity to be
more efficient, reduce labor
and increase profit margins.
Riverview Cemetery
has re-
cently installed a
System in their
mausoleum, and Cemetery Manager
has been happy with the results.
“When I started as manager of the ceme-
tery in January of 2015, one of my main
objectives was to eliminate odors in the
mausoleum,” he said. “The previous man-
ager used a fan with scent cartridges to try
to mask the odors. The only thing this ac-
complished was to add an overwhelm-
ing odor to the existing ones. I researched
ozone machines on the internet and read
several reviews specific to mausoleums. I
spoke with several different companies and
was pleasantly surprised when I spoke with
Rainy Day Miller
at Zontec. She asked
me specific questions about our mausole-
um and was genuinely concerned and help-
ful. We ordered the PA2500 with a money-
back guarantee. My grounds manager and
I installed the unit in less than an hour.”
“The next morning I was anxious to see if
there were any effects from the machine,”
he continued. “I was greeted with what I
would describe as the smell of a rain show-
er. Within a week or two almost all of the
odors were eliminated. We are so happy
with the results that we now use the chapel
portion of our mausoleum for other servic-
es during inclement weather. I would rec-
ommend this machine for anybody who is
looking to help eliminate odors associated
with crypts in a mausoleum.”
The Zontec process is the most environ-
mentally friendly way to eliminate odors
and control insects. The Zontec system
was designed for mausoleums. The sys-
tem re-oxidizes the air, killing the flies and
odors by sending out 03 molecules that
consist of millions of atoms that blanket
the mausoleum from top to bottom. This
leaves the air smelling fresh and destroys
95% to 99% of the gnats. “It’s basic phys-
ics, it’s safe, and it works!” said Rainy Day
Miller, Project Manager, Zontec™ Interna-
tional, Inc.
Zontec™ International, Inc. present-
ly serves mausoleums and funeral homes
throughout North America, Australia,
Europe and is a supplier member of the
Catholic Cemetery Conference, FCCFA,
over 30 years, Zontec™ has adhered to the
highest quality standards in the industry
manufacturing superior products that are
built to last. For more information about
Jay Thomas
Passare, Inc.,
Software as a Service (SaaS) company of-
fering the industry cloud-based funeral
arrangement and collaboration platform,
recently announced the promotion of
to the role of vice president and
“Jay has been instrumental in leading the
Passare team through a major transition
time,” said
Kris Seale,
president of Pas-
sare and president and CEO of
Investment Group
(DIG). “Jay has been
a rock not only for the Pas-
sare team, but for our Pas-
sare subscribers as well.
Our Passare clients men-
tion Jay by name and can’t
say enough about his out-
standing service and sup-
port to their team. We are
delighted that Jay has ac-
cepted the position of vice
president and CEO, and
we are looking forward to
seeing Passare continue to
grow under his guidance
and leadership.”
Thomas joined Passare in
March of 2014 as vice president of oper-
ations. Thomas has over 20 years of ex-
perience leading teams in the global tech-
nology market for large, national and
global corporations, start-up companies,
and start-ups within companies.
“Passare has now moved from a start-
up to a fully operational company,” said
Thomas. “We have processed thousands
of cases within the Passare platform. Since
the end of last year, we have grown by 300
percent as a company. This has been a tru-
ly remarkable journey, and the company is
continuing to grow at a rapid pace.”
Thomas said that Passare’s platform has
developed into the most robust funeral
case management system on the market.
However, Thomas was quick to point out
that Passare is more than a case manage-
ment system.
“Passare is addressing the complete mar-
ketplace,” said Thomas. “We are helping
to make communication and collabora-
tion simple and easy—for funeral directors,
families, and even beyond to the commu-
nity. Passare is addressing the communica-
tion needs for everyone who is involved in
the funeral process.”
Jay Thomas brings a sol-
id business and technol-
ogy background to Pas-
sare. Over the past 20 plus
years, Jay has held several
key roles including: lead-
ing the development of one
of the world’s first unified
messaging systems, build-
ing technology alliances
for a global company, and
building and leading glob-
al services and operations
at a start-up within a large,
global corporation. Before
joining Passare, Jay established his own
consulting business to help start-ups focus
on connecting their technology to busi-
ness needs and opportunity. Jay received
his MSEE degree from Santa Clara Uni-
versity in Silicon Valley.
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