September 2015 - page B7

Page B7
S ec t i on B
tuary Lift Company,
vider of body lifts to funer-
Known in the industry
for the efficiency and un-
matched convenience of its
Ultimate 1000 Lift™ and the
new ceiling-less aluminum
gantry system, Mortuary Lift
infused that same efficien-
cy and convenience into its
website. “We enhanced the
customer’s online experi-
ence with our company, par-
ticularly through our use of
video,” notes
Katie Hill,
third-generation funeral di-
rector, owner and president
of Mortuary Lift. “Our lifts
are best understood when
seen in operation, so the fo-
cal point of our homepage
features our products in ac-
tion.” Industry profession-
als with firsthand knowledge
of Mortuary Lift’s products
provide the narrative in the
video, sharing their person-
al insights from having used
the versatile lifts.
“It was important to us to
convey that our Ultimate
1000 Lift™ truly allows a fu-
neral professional to work
alone, and that creates sig-
nificant efficiency, enhanced
productivity and reduced
injuries,” Hill emphasiz-
es. “With an increase in the
number of women entering
the industry, our Ultimate
1000 Lift™ provides an even
more valuable benefit and
gives a positive answer to the
question, ‘can she lift?’”
Other practical elements
on the website include de-
tailed information about the
Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) 50 percent tax
credit, instructions for in-
stalling and operating equip-
ment from Mortuary Lift
and answers to frequently
asked questions. A significant
addition is an online store –
a site within the website – for
the ordering of a breadth of
products, from large-scale
items like integrated load
scales to replacement parts,
such as body straps and glide
boards. Visitors can even
purchase T-shirts and the
whimsical Em-balm lip balm
with the disclaimer: For liv-
ing humans only.
Mortuary Lift Company is
located in Cedar Rapids, IA
and can be reached at 800-
628-8809. Connect with
Givnish Funeral Homes
Select Disrupt Media
Mortuary Lift Company
Revamps Website, Adds
Online Store
“We work very hard at providing ex-
cellent experiences. We give every family a chance to cel-
ebrate and affirm that their loved one’s life really mat-
tered. Quite frankly, we’re good at it. What we’re not very
good at is getting our message out in today’s marketing
environment,” commented
Tom Givnish
Givnish Fu-
neral Homes.
“I’ve read countless books and articles on
outbound marketing. I’m sold on the idea but don’t have
the staff - or more importantly the time - to do it prop-
erly. That’s where
Disrupt Media
comes in; their exper-
tise and fresh approach gives us a competitive advantage.”
“We believe Disrupt Media is the foremost innovator in
the social media space,” commented
Ryan Thogmartin,
president and CEO of Disrupt Media. “We very much wel-
come this exciting challenge of working together with the
Givnish organization on their digital marketing efforts.”
“When I first heard Disrupt Media’s name, I thought it
was a great name in a profession so adverse to change,”
Givnish went on to say. “We have found their systematic
approach is very understandable and quantifiable. That’s
the reason why Givnish Funeral Homes selected Disrupt
Foundation Partners Group Teams Up With
Disrupt Media
Looking for digital marketing help to better know what’s
on their families’ minds,
Foundation Partners Group
(FPG) headquartered in Orlando, FL has selected Disrupt
Media to coordinate its social media strategy and content
management. Using their proprietary
Funeral Social Design
Disrupt Media is helping FPG use social media to
engage more fully with families at several of its locations.
“A death and funeral is very emotional, and social me-
dia provides a community to share emotions and reflect
on the life of a loved one. Additionally, social media of-
fers an opportunity to educate families on all the options
available to celebrate and share a life story,” commented
Brad Rex,
president and CEO of FPG. “We want people
to know about
Life® and social media is a great way
to explain our offering.”
Life® is FPG’s proprietary multi-sensory memo-
rialization experience. It provides families a unique ap-
proach to planning a remembrance event that captures
the story of a person’s life through videos, sounds, scents,
innovative technology, storytellers, and an overall expe-
rience that leaves guests celebrating the most joyful and
meaningful moments of a lifetime.
“It’s a real honor to partner with Foundation Partners
Group to bring the full power of social media to one of
the most profound conversations that can take place dur-
ing a person’s lifetime,” commented Thogmartin. “This
assignment presents a big opportunity for Disrupt Media
and Foundation Partners Group. If we do our best work
together – we’ll be able to enhance the funeral experience
for families.”
As one of the largest privately-owned funeral operators in
the industry, FPG owns and operates funeral homes and
cemeteries in 13 states, serving more than 7,000 families
annually. With headquarters in Orlando, FL, Foundation
Partners is reinventing the funeral experience to help fami-
lies capture, acknowledge and share life’s purpose.
Disrupt Media is a full service social media manage-
ment and content agency dedicated to the funeral pro-
fession. Started by Thogmartin, Disrupt Media provides
creative ideas and a simple plan to produce a social me-
18 karat gold and platinum. Using
the thumbprints, baby footprints
and pet paw prints, unique and origi-
nal designs are created into pendants,
lockets, charms, earrings, rings, cuff
links, dog tags and more. The busi-
ness expanded into the engagement
and wedding ring market creating
fingerprint rings and bands studded
with diamonds.
With the death of her grandfather,
Albers sought to preserve his unique
handwriting in a tangible form. With
requests from families and funeral
Memory In My Heart
was cre-
ated to provide lasting memories to
those who lost their loved ones by cre-
ating fingerprint cremation ash pen-
dants and memorial lockets. Special
lines were designed for memorializ-
ing the loss of a child and the loss of
the family pet. Memory In My Heart
owned and operated fine jewelry de-
sign, manufacturing and retail com-
pany that was started by
John Rich-
ard Keim.
Keim began his career as
a master jeweler as a teenager, estab-
lishing his reputation for his skill and
talent creating a line of men’s and
women’s jewelry then introducing the
line at The Jeweler of America Trade
Show in New York City in 1983. In
1985 Keim won the prestigious De-
Beers Diamonds Today Award, con-
sidered to be a prestigious and hon-
orable award for excellence in jewelry
design and craftsmanship. Richards
and West is proud to be an Ameri-
can made fine jewelry company, with
Richards and West, Inc. Merges with Imprint
On My Heart and Memory In My Heart
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