September 2015 - page A44

Page A44
S ec t i on A
Many progressive funer-
al professionals are realiz-
ing that their technology
strategy is their new busi-
ness strategy. The Tech-
nology Center will bring
these funeral profession-
als together from all over
Canada and the United
States to take their tech-
nology and business to an
entirely new level.
Regularly scheduled ses-
sions will be held twice per
month for FrontRunner
clients, and those interest-
ed in learning more about
FrontRunner technolo-
gy. Attendees will learn
how to unleash everything
their technology solution
offers and make it work
as an efficient, profitable
business growth tool. Ses-
sions will include aggres-
sive new cremation busi-
ness strategies and how, as
a Pulse Business Division
client, they can access ex-
clusive territory protect-
ed solutions and managed
services programs for the
ultimate success.
On top of the regular
sessions, the Technology
Center will hold quarter-
ly two-day workshops on
successful new and tradi-
tional marketing strate-
gies as well as online mar-
keting and diversification
strategies. These are de-
signed for any funeral
professional interested in
learning how to market
their firms to grow their
call volume and bottom
line, what to watch out for
in the online world, and
how to position their firm
to excel at serving the new
future markets. No oth-
er technology company is
doing more for the funeral
profession or clients they
“The Technology Cen-
ter is a very strategic part
of who FrontRunner has
evolved to as a company,”
Ashley Montroy,
keting director of Front-
Runner Professional. “Fu-
neral directors often do not
get the technology train-
ing or education needed in
their local markets to tru-
Daniel M. Isard,
MSFS, president of
The Foresight Companies, LLC,
the nation’s leading fi-
nancial and management consulting firm serving funeral
homes and cemeteries throughout North America, has
announced the dates for two revolutionary and new sem-
Cemetery Impossible
Human Resource Complete.
“If you own a cemetery it is not just about mowing, dig-
ging and coloring a map a few times a month. The op-
eration of a cemetery is a holistic operation that speaks a
whole different language than any other business includ-
ing the language of funeral service. This event is called
Cemetery Impossible,” said Dan.
This two day seminar will take its attendees through
the basic points of operation from the ground up and
down! Attendees will learn pricing of interment rights in
theory and then in application to their existing proper-
ty. This seminar is for cemetery owners, managers and
Foresight Announces Two New Seminars for
Cemetery Business Owners and Managers
board members of for-profit and not-for-profit cemeter-
ies. Each attendee will learn easy ways to dramatically in-
crease their cash flow the day they get home.
The Cemetery Impossible seminar follows the uniquely dy-
namic and effective style of The Foresight Companies’ work-
shops. Attendees come with their businesses financial and
operating data pre-loaded onto a specially designed spread-
sheet. They not only learn the theory, they get hands-on un-
derstanding of the math supporting their decisions. This
seminar will challenge attendees to dig deep and get their
hands dirty as they work on their specific business issues.
“The single largest cost of operating a funeral home or cem-
etery is staffing. Yet, no one has trained business owners and
managers on what the rules are to manage their staff,” says
Isard. “If you think good employees are expensive you should
see how much bad ones will cost you.” The Human Re-
source Complete seminar will provide attendees everything
they need to know and have
for implementation as a hu-
man resource director. Dur-
ing this two day workshop
they will learn what to do,
how to do it, and most im-
portantly what not to do,
said Isard. Attendees will cre-
ate all of their key human re-
source management docu-
ments during the 16 hours
of seminar instruction.
Participants will leave the
Human Resource Complete
seminar with a ready to im-
plement (subject to state law)
employee manual, procedure
manual, hiring letter, firing/
termination letter, annual re-
view form, job description,
sure letter, consensual rela-
tionship agreement, and mo-
tor vehicle accident reporting
form. This seminar will also
give them the opportunity to
receive Foresight’s monthly
human resource newsletter
and special updates. “Staff-
ing is the number one cost in
running your funeral home.
Why not do it right?” con-
cludes Isard.
Both seminars begin with
a cocktail party on Wednes-
day evening at the Scottsdale
Resort and Conference Cen-
ter in Scottsdale, AZ. The
Cemetery Impossible Sem-
inar takes place November
11- 13, 2015; and the Hu-
man Resource Complete
seminar will be held Octo-
FrontRunner Announces Workshop Schedule for
New Technology Center
has announced the
complete workshop sched-
ule for its new $1.6-million
dollar Technology Center.
The center represents Front-
runner’s ongoing commit-
ment to set a higher stan-
dard, and provides all the
tools and resources to help
funeral professionals truly
excel in this market.
ly be able to compete and
as a result they miss out on
the opportunities that the
proper use of technology
and marketing can bring.
As the technology leaders
in this space for more than
20 years, opening the Tech-
nology Center to help fu-
neral homes reach new lev-
els, seemed like the perfect
next step for FrontRun-
ner and we cannot wait to
be that partner for funeral
professionals across North
America,” adds Montroy.
The center is nestled in
Kingston’s historic water-
front community mak-
ing visits as memorable as
they are educational. The
adjoining Delta Hotel will
act as FrontRunner’s cor-
porate accommodations
partner, making every-
thing conveniently locat-
ed. And, with Kingston’s
downtown bustling with
great theater, events, res-
taurants, bars, and night-
spots, visitors will want
to extend their stays. The
center will even showcase
the new Wyland Trib-
ute Art Gallery that will
be open to visitors from
around the world.
“The future will contin-
ue to bring new challeng-
es to funeral profession-
als. With those challenges
will come great opportu-
nity for those who align
themselves with a strate-
gically focused technolo-
gy partner that does more
than just offer websites
or management software.
They need a strategic plan
coupled with great tech-
nology to move past their
competition and that’s
what FrontRunner has be-
come, especially with the
new Technology Center,”
says Kevin Montroy, CEO
and founder of FrontRun-
ner Professional.
To learn more about the
FrontRunner Technology
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