September 2015 - page B10

Page B10
S ec t i on B
Perfect Memorials Adds Red Paver
Custom Engraved Brick to Their
Disrupt Media and Weigel Strategic
Marketing Announce Alliance
Red Paver Custom Engraved Brick
fect Memorials,
the pre-
mier retailer of high qual-
ity and unique memorial
products has come up with
yet another special outdoor
memorial. The company
has introduced a red pav-
er custom engraved brick.
The red street paver brick
has a rich dark red hue and
is perfectly suitable for us-
ing as a material in building
projects or can be displayed
by itself as a stand-alone
memorial. The product is currently avail-
able at a special introductory price.
“We are happy to announce the intro-
duction of a unique red paver brick in
the form of a memorial, to our catalog,”
Shawn O’Brien,
product specialist at
Perfect Memorials. “This brick is person-
alized with an environmentally responsi-
ble and permanent engraving that will not
fade away over time.”
The red street paver brick is an authen-
tic clay brick which comes with three font
choices and over 60 art choices so that
families have a broad range of customiza-
tion options to choose from. According
to the leading memorial products retailer,
the paver brick is a wonderful option for
long term memorializing of places such as
driveways, sidewalks, or even a patio. It
offers a unique way of commemorating an
event or anniversary in memory of a de-
parted family member or friend.
Perfect Memorials is the preferred online
destination for unique and premium qual-
ity memorial products. The online store
has a spotless reputation for delivering cus-
tomizable memorial products of the high-
est quality. Customers will attest that the
craftsmanship, quality, and service are sim-
ply unbeatable at Perfect Memorials. The
online store offers a wide variety of memo-
rial products that represent the passions
and values of departed loved ones in the
best possible manner.
This latest introduction comes with en-
graving which leaves a very detailed and
permanent black glass surface on the en-
graving. The best part is that it is good for
all climates and cleaning the brick is very
simple too. Dirt and debris can be simply
washed away to expose a crisp and undam-
aged engraved surface.
Perfect Memorials offers the largest col-
lection of memorial products in the world,
exceeding over 13,000 premium-quality
items in its catalog. In addition to having
the largest selection in the industry, Per-
fect Memorials boasts over 30,000 cus-
rupt Media,
the leading
social media agency, has
established a strategic rela-
tionship with
Weigel Stra-
tegic Marketing.
This al-
liance will build on the
strengths of each company
for the benefit of organiza-
tions throughout the fu-
neral profession.
“Disrupt Media continues
to thrive at the intersec-
tion of media and technol-
ogy, while Weigel Strategic
Marketing offers an exper-
tise in print media, brand-
ing and communications,”
Ryan Thogmartin,
president and CEO of Dis-
rupt Media. “This rela-
tionship offers our clients
the perfect blend of social
media/digital marketing
and traditional marketing/
“Having known Ryan
for a number of years and
worked together develop-
ing marketing programs for
several companies, creat-
ing this alliance was a no-
brainer,” stated
Joe Weigel,
principal at Weigel Strate-
gic Marketing. “Ryan and
I have always proposed to
our clients that relying sole-
ly on either digital market-
ing or traditional marketing
was short sighted and now
we can offer companies a
solution that covers all the
The marketing landscape
is ever evolving, with new
digital marketing technol-
ogies being launched ev-
ery day. However, tradi-
tional print and broadcast
media still have a promi-
nent place in the market-
ing mix. Finding one mar-
keting resource that offers
an expertise in both dis-
ciplines is difficult. Con-
versely, hiring two sepa-
rate agencies and having
them work together can be
just as problematic. How-
ever, Disrupt Media and
Weigel Strategic Market-
ing have proven in the past
how they can work togeth-
er effectively to fully inte-
grate the marketing plans
for their mutual clients.
“I’m very excited to con-
tinue to build on my re-
lationship with Disrupt
Media, which has consis-
tently been a leader in uti-
lizing cutting edge market-
ing technology, to bring
the best possible value to
companies in the funeral
space,” said Weigel. “This
alliance signifies how a
next-generation digital me-
dia agency can effectively
work with a strategic mar-
keting company to meet
the ever-evolving needs of
funeral service companies
with a perfect blend of tra-
ditional and digital mar-
Thogmartin added, “The
only thing that is certain for
funeral service marketing is
change, which is why we are
constantly testing and build-
ing new technology innova-
tions that can advance our
clients’ business. But there
are situations when time-
tested marketing solutions
like those offered by Weigel
Strategic Marketing are the
best course of action for our
Disrupt Media is a full
service social media man-
agement and content agen-
cy dedicated to the funer-
al profession. Started by
Ryan Thogmartin, Disrupt
Media provides creative
ideas and a simple plan
to produce a social media
presence that is complete-
ly unique for each client.
Founded in 2012, Wei-
gel Strategic Marketing
is a marketing consult-
ing firm delivering exper-
tise and results to com-
panies in funeral service
across three marketing dis-
ciplines: strategy, branding
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