September 2015 - page B4

Page B4
S ec t i on B
Bass-Mollett Publishers
Appoints Sheehan
Daniel J. Sheehan
a trusted leader in fu-
neral stationery and supplies, has announced that its
board of directors appointed
Daniel J. Sheehan
as Bass-
Mollett’s president. Sheehan replaces
John C. Flowers,
Bass-Mollett’s president and CEO, who has served as
president since August 2011. Flowers will continue to
serve as Bass-Mollett’s Chief Executive Officer.
“We welcome Dan’s expe-
rience and leadership to the
Bass-Mollett family,” said
Flowers. “He has held lead-
ership positions across many
functions including sales,
marketing and merchandis-
ing. In addition, Dan has
significant management ex-
perience with Whirlpool
Corporation, Lane Furni-
ture and SVP Worldwide,
his previous employer. He
brings a strong passion and
drive to create the best new
products and services for the
funeral industry. Our entire goal is always increasing the ex-
perience of our customers, both on the product side and as
a trusted advisor to help build their business.”
When asked about joining Bass-Mollett as president,
Sheehan said, “It’s an honor to be chosen as the first non-
family member to run Bass-Mollett. I look forward to
learning from their team of experts, getting up-to-speed
quickly with their help, and meeting our customers and
stakeholders. Having worked with independent businesses
in several other industries, one of my main focuses is al-
ways how can we better help and service our customers.”
For generations, the Bass-Mollett family has carried on
a tradition of quality service and products to the funer-
al industry. Celebrating its 65th year serving the indus-
try, the company’s main goal has been to meet the special
needs of funeral directors. The company has grown and
progressed over the years, yet still remains 100 percent
family owned and operated by members of the founding
family. These family members continue to strive to make
Loyal Christian Benefit
Association Promotes
Walter H. Losee to Vice
President of Sales
Walter H. Losee
Loyal Christian Benefit Association
is proud to announce the promotion of
Walter H. Losee
to the vice president of sales position for LCBA.
Losee previously served as the regional manager in LCBA’s
pre-need market for the northwest corner of Pennsylvania.
In his new position, Losee oversees both the pre-need and
traditional markets. In the traditional market, Losee will ad-
minister the in-house agents and well as the independent
agents that are contracted with LCBA. In the pre-need mar-
ket, Losee is responsible for supervising the four region-
al managers that represent
LCBA to the market.
“We are very pleased to
promote Walter to this po-
sition,” said
Doug Tuttle,
president and CEO. “With
seven years of experience as
an LCBA regional manag-
er, Walter is already familiar
with LCBA’s products and
market. We are confident
that his experience and skills
will help LCBA continue to
grow and prosper in the fu-
Losee holds a Bachelors of
Science Degree in Rehabilitation from Pennsylvania State
University. Losee has over 30 years of sales experience start-
ing his career in 1978 with Curtis 1000, which at the time,
was the largest direct to consumer provider of envelopes and
custom printing. Losee then moved on to spend a large por-
Accubuilt Appoints President; Hires New Vice
Brad Smith
Michael G. McKiernan
announced that
has been promot-
ed to President and
chael G. McKiernan
joined the company as
Senior Vice President of
sales, marketing and prod-
uct planning. Smith has
been in the professional ve-
hicle industry for over 20
years, and started his ca-
reer at Accubuilt in 1993.
During his tenure with the
company, he has held nu-
merous positions includ-
ing manufacturing, sales
and most recently vice
president of operations.
Rob Hubbard,
built’s chairman of the
board, welcomed Smith to
his new role and said, “It
is a pleasure to have some-
one of Brad’s experience
and dedication to lead Ac-
cubuilt into the future. As
Accubuilt is poised for fu-
ture growth, I am confi-
dent that Brad will guide
the company to even great-
er heights.”
Smith commented, “I am
excited about this new op-
portunity, and I am very
proud of our company –
where we have been and
where we are going. My
grandfather worked here
for 40 years, my father
started here in 1964 and is
still working on the assem-
bly line. So, in a very real
way, Accubuilt is in my
blood, and I owe the com-
pany, its customers and its
team members a tremen-
dous amount of loyalty and
gratitude. I am honored and
humbled to accept this pro-
motion and look forward
working with all of the com-
pany’s stakeholders.”
McKiernan is a profes-
sional vehicle industry vet-
eran with a wealth of knowl-
edge and experience, having
worked at both the coach
builder level and at the chas-
sis manufacturer level.
Mike is extremely well
known and well respected
by all of the stake holders in
the professional vehicle in-
dustry – funeral directors,
funeral business consolida-
tors, livery operators, deal-
ers, chassis suppliers, coach
builders, funeral trade as-
sociations and the funeral
trade media. Mike actu-
ally began his professional
vehicle industry career in
1988 when he joined Ac-
cubuilt, previously known
S&S/Superior of Ohio,
as marketing manager.
McKiernan comment-
ed “I am excited to return
home to Accubuilt where it
all started for me. A lot has
changed over the years, but
one thing remains constant
– the company that pro-
vides funeral directors and
livery professionals with
the highest quality prod-
ucts and best service will
lead the industry. Compe-
tition in the marketplace
is fierce but Accubuilt, af-
ter successfully launching
the all new S&S Victoria
and Superior Sovereign
Cadillac XTS based funer-
al coaches, has a tremen-
dous amount of positive
momentum and more ex-
citing products are on the
way. Accubuilt products
feature industry leading
quality, distinctive styling,
and are sold through the
industry’s leading dealer
network. I am looking for-
ward to being part of this
great winning team that
has a production history
tracing continuously back
to 1876.”
Accubuilt, Inc. is a di-
versified specialty vehicle
manufacturer that traces
its roots back to 1876. Ac-
cubuilt offers its custom-
ers two distinctive brands
S&S and Superior
a range of quality products
and unsurpassed servic-
es to suite their individual
business needs. For more
information on Accubuilt,
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