Phenomenal Texas Women

Elleanor Davis Starks Bio

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Lois Collins Washington and Sandra D. Lewing Clark

Posted by Elleanor Davis Starks on August 1, 2014

Lois Collins Washington, Lewis Funeral Home, San Antonio, TX

  A native of New Orleans, Lois Collins received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from Dillard University. She was immediately hired by the Department of Health, Education, & Welfare (HEW) a division of the Social Security Administration. During her tenure she received several awards and was appointed by the union president to handle all grievance cases filed by employees.

  In June 1967 Lois married Robert Washington, Jr., licensed funeral director and owner of the Lewis Funeral Home in San Antonio, TX. After her retirement from the government in 1999, Lois began working part time and then later full time at the funeral home. Robert taught her about the funeral business. Lois assisted in organizing the firm’s Historic 100th Anniversary celebration in 2009.

  In early March 2010, Robert became ill and was no longer able to manage the business. As a result, Lois was able to step in and help out. Lois took over the ownership and management of the oldest black funeral home in San Antonio upon Robert’s passing in April 2011. The firm has 13 full time employees and 6 part time employees. In addition, San Antonio College Mortuary Science students are assigned to the funeral for orientation, internship, and provisionist.

  “Service to Mankind is my motto. I do whatever I can in a most unselfishness way, giving always to others,” states Lois C. Washington.

Sandra D. Lewing Clark, Sandra Clark Funeral Home, Dallas, TX

  Sandra Delores Lewing Clark was born in Shreveport, LA. College was never an option for Sandra who came from a family of educators. She chose Bishop College in Dallas where she received a full academic scholarship. She immediately enrolled in their etiquette and charm classes and was encouraged to try out for numerous pageants where she won first place and was crowned queen of them all. She was featured in Jet Magazine as “Beauty of the Week.”

  After graduating from Bishop with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education, she attended East Texas State University, receiving her Master’s Degree in Education. She worked with the Dallas Independent School District as a Special Education Instructor. While teaching, she and her partner at that time had dreams of opening their own funeral home. In 1980 they purchased an 1800 square foot pre-owned funeral home. In 1987, Sandra enrolled in the Dallas Institute of Funeral Service and received an Associate’s Degree as a Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer. After the partnership dissolved Sandra became a single parent of four small children and the sole owner of the funeral home. She quickly learned that through God all things are possible. In 1988 with no working capital Sandra was able to purchase her current facility even though others in the industry were trying to obtain it. The 12,000 square foot facility sits on two acres of land and multi-cultural services to families of numerous races, creeds and colors. The Sandra Clark Funeral Home specializes in international shipping to Asmara, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, to name a few.

  For over 35 years Sandra Clark has been faithful to God through treating the families she serves with honesty, dignity, integrity and professionalism. Her main goal and aspiration is to preserve her legacy as an independently owned and operated black funeral home through her four children, Dr. Ivorique Clark-Turner, MD (Atlanta, GA), William “Tiger” Townes, who works at the funeral home as a funeral director, Nathaniel “Nate” Clark, II, Probation Supervisor for Dallas County and Daryl M. Clark, an apprentice funeral director/embalmer, who is currently attending the Dallas Institute of Funeral Service and five adorable grandchildren whom she cherishes.

  Sandra Clark has adapted the Golden Rule as her mantra…. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”


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