2016-2017 Scholarship Donors and Recipients

Elleanor Davis Starks Bio

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Jay Robinson, Shuler-Marshall Funeral Home, Fouche’s Hudson Funeral Home

Posted by Elleanor Davis Starks on April 1, 2017

Recipient: Jay Robinson

  Recipient Jay Robinson always thought it was strange but he knew at the age of 15 that he would be an undertaker. He later got married, had a child, worked three jobs, his dreams of being an undertaker went to the back burner. After a few years, failed marriages and several jobs, he was revisited by a dream that reminded him what he really wanted out of life, to became an undertaker.

  Robinson stated, “It’s wonderful to have God in your life because he will direct your paths. This was the real ministry I needed to fulfill in life.” Robinson continues, “We know that God makes the plan and God directs it. So, if you have a dream of doing something and it seems to have died out just know that if it’s in God’s plan for your life, it will come to life again.”

  Robinson’s mishap in life was the rebirth of his dream, which is now a reality thanks to the 100 Black Women of Funeral Service and the Dallas Institute of Funeral Service, where he is currently enrolled in hopes of becoming a licensed undertaker.

Donor: Shuler-Marshall Funeral Home

  The Reverend Doctor Samuel Booker Marshall became associated with Pratt’s Funeral Home and it was there, that he decided that funeral service would be one of life’s callings.

  In 1949, he and his father-in-law, the late Abraham Madison Shuler, formed the Shuler-Marshall Funeral Home. Marshall later became the sole proprietor of the business and after his death, his daughter, Samuetta Marshall became the owner. With his education and dedication to the profession and the nurturing of his wife, the funeral home became a temple of funeral service professionalism.

  Samuetta is committed to a life of service like her dad and adopted his motto, “We pledge ourselves to a Service of Efficiency, Solemnity and Dignity,” to lead her life. After the death of her father, she wanted his memory to stay alive in the funeral profession that he loved, families that he served, and the future caregivers who would step into his shoes making a life-time commitment to the funeral industry. Samuetta established the Dr. Samuel B. Marshall Memorial Scholarship to keep his legacy alive as a small token for all the work he did to help needy families. Students in need may apply for his scholarship through the 100BWFS organization.     “You were created to make somebody else’s life better. Somebody needs your smile. They need your love and encouragement and gifts. They often need your financial support.”

Donor: Fouche’s Hudson Funeral Home

  In 1914, Luther Hudson established Hudson’s Funeral Home in Oakland, CA. Twenty-nine years later, the late Aramis Fouche’ purchased the business and changed the name to Fouche’s Hudson Funeral Home.

  Mr. Fouche’ was known for his high standards, eye for detail, quality merchandise and extraordinary customer service in the community. He was a personable, caring and charming funeral director who used his business acumen to establish Fouche’s Hudson Funeral Home as a premier funeral services provider for all families in need. His widow, Aloysia Fouche and her staff continue to uphold his great legacy left behind.

  In 2017, Aloysia Fouche’ funded the Fouche International Foundation Fund to assist individuals pursuing a vocation or entrepreneurial venture. “It was a great move to develop a scholarship that helps striving and dedicated students seeking a mortuary career,” said Aloysia, “The 100BWFS was a great vehicle to work with to make sure, the smartest, the most dedicated and committed students who were dedicated to the funeral profession and who were pursuing licensure as licensed funeral directors and morticians were recognized.”


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