2016-2017 Scholarship Donors and Recipients

Elleanor Davis Starks Bio

Elleanor Davis Starks's blog

Nicole K. Young, March Funeral Home, and Funeral Home Gifts

Posted by Elleanor Davis Starks on February 1, 2017




  Recipient Nicole K. Young felt intimidated by the atmosphere and idea of a funeral home as a young child. During her senior year in high school, she began to challenge herself and think of some important questions when considering a career. What was she proficient at? What did she excel in? What was she passionate about?           Young then submitted her self-assessment to her academic advisor and was told that she would either be a great psychiatrist or a wonderful caring funeral director. She chose the latter of the two and enrolled in the mortuary science program at Worsham College, where she is expected to graduate on the spring of 2017.

  “It’s hard for me to pinpoint why exactly I chose funeral service, but it is funny because I cannot imagine pursuing any other profession,” says Young. “What has inspired me about funeral service is the hard work and dedication necessary for success. I have always possessed a strong work ethic, and I have worked since I was 16 years old. I did it because I wanted to push myself. I’ve always felt the need to be productive. Hard work is in my opinion, what began to shape and mold my character and make me self–reliant.”

  Young’s passion for wanting to attend to those hurting and help their families during the most difficult time off their lives became a driving force. Program director Stephanie Kann, and her goal for her students to stand for excellence in all they do in life, has been pivotal in her success. “Kann has given me a roadmap for success and I will follow it through internship and licensure,” says Young.

Donor: March Funeral Home

  For more than 50 years, the Baltimore community has been served by March Funeral Home founded by William C and Julia Roberta March. Their commitment to compassionate care has been the driving force to the largest independent funeral home on the East coast. The work of the March Funeral Home extends beyond funeral service and into the realm of education. William and Roberta were firm believers in the power of education to change lives, and under his direction, over half a million dollars has been awarded as scholarships to deserving students. In fact, the former Harford Heights Middle School was renamed the William C March Middle School in his honor.

   The 100 BWFS organization helped to establish the J. Roberta March Memorial Mortuary Scholarship to assist deserving mortuary students in need and welcomed the involvement of the March family in their quest to provide educational, social and mentoring opportunities to enhance the academic performance, social and community connections and career opportunities of youth and young adults. 100 BWFS is honored to assist the March family and their students in their goals to complete school, get apprenticeships and finally get licensed in the funeral service profession.

Donor: Funeral Home Gifts

  George W. Clark, president of Pure Country Weavers, father Jay Clark, IV began his company with the vision of building a business legacy for his family. As the family business grew and flourished so has their product line. Pure Country Weavers creates unique, high quality woven textile gifts and home decorations which are perfect gifts for any occasion and taste. These beautiful woven creations result from the talent and inspiration of devoted artists. From this beautiful product they created a successful division, Funeral Home Gifts, being overseen by division president Karl Weisenback and his customer service and design team.

  Those that attend a national or international funeral convention can’t miss Funeral Home Gifts beautiful and colorful booth with the tall, handsome athletic looking Karl Weisenback who could be mistaken for a professional athlete. Karl and his team have taken Pure Country Weavers to another level of products that inspire funeral professionals around the world. The fine wall tapestries, tribute blankets, college and fraternity and sorority products, totes, pillows and casket insert panels wow the many funeral colleagues and are a “must have” in the funeral home display.

  It doesn’t end there; they are concerned about their mortuary students, education and the future of funeral service and the leadership they will bring to this very demanding profession. They have been long standing sponsors of the 100 BWFS Leadership Program and its award winners but feels that it starts with a great education and Clark joined in to make it a priority.

  The 100 Black Women of Funeral Service is proud to have Karl, George, Gina and their hard working and efficient staff, as an integral part of the 100 BWFS organization for over 10 years.


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