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Elleanor Davis Starks Bio

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Jessica M. Eppinger and Stewart Funeral Home

Posted by Elleanor Davis Starks on September 1, 2016

   Recipient, Jessica M. Eppinger graduated high school in 2006 and continued her education at Savannah State University where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She worked as a professional writing coach and then began teaching at the high school level. In October 2015, Jessica decided to chase her lifelong dream of joining her family as a fourth generation funeral director and embalmer at Mack’s Funeral Home in Hartwell, GA.

  She is currently a senior at Gupton-Jones College of Funeral Service in Decatur, GA and is the 2016 scholarship recipient for the college, as well an honor roll student who is anticipated to graduate in September 2016. After graduation she will return home and serve under her dedicated and hard working father and continue the family legacy of providing excellent service in less than excellent time.

  Jessica states, “I have developed a passionate respect for the funeral industry which started when I was 12 years old when I was taken on my first funeral service. I see funeral service as a ministry and I am ready to be a servant for my community and provide a sense of comfort and solace in a time when people are at their lowest and most vulnerable hour. I chose the funeral industry because it is a way to give back. It’s my opportunity to help someone find the strength and will to transition into a new and trying phase of their life. I chose the industry to be a light in someone’s life at a time where darkness seems to overcome them and to be a servant to my fellow man.”

Donor: Stewart Funeral Home

  In the 1900’s, more than 100 years ago, John Thomas Stewart, a young African American, traveled along dirt roads and trolley car tracks holding tight to a big dream. He had great determination to serve his community and to provide funeral services with dignity and class for the people of his envisions. Stewart borrowed money from his brother to purchase a casket and gravesite, and then walked to a Washington home to arrange the burial of a child. John T. Stewart, Sr founded the Stewart Funeral Home marking the beginning of a rich heritage and tradition of unique professional and community service to the Washington, DC metro area and that is referred to by the family as “The Tradition of Stewartship.” He became known throughout the community for his Christian charity, kindness and benevolence-virtues providing a solid foundation upon which his family and business were to grow.

  John Stewart Jr under the tulelage of his late father and now with the efforts of his wife and partner, Margaret Stewart, continued the tradition of sympathy and service both in leadership and advisory roles in numerous community, civic, religious and public service organizations. In 1964 with continued growth of the business and inherited dedication to providing top quality and upscale care and sympathy, John Jr and Margaret built a first class facility which is a landmark institution in Washington, DC at 4001 Benning Road North east.

  Since 2000 Margaret and sons John T. Stewart, III, and Carlin O Stewart, Sr. along with grandchildren and the fourth generation, Carlin, Jr. and Stacye Stewart vigilantly continue the Tradition of Stewartship to the legacy and principles of quality, integrity, professional service and community involvement. Under Stacye Stewart: president and beloved family members continue the hard work and legacy built as they continue under the tuleage of those who came before them.


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