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Small Courtesies Enhance Personal Development, Lead to Increased Business Pride and Service

Posted by Jim Starks on December 1, 2015

  A superior staff is a central and vital component to developing an outstanding business. Underlying the surface of the business, individual staff members must have both a sense of teamwork and a drive to increase their personal development.

  One simple tactic that improves service, professionalism and a sense of pride at both the business and individual level – employees and owners included – is using courtesy statements. Courtesy statements help individuals improve themselves while simultaneously allowing the business to better serve the community.

  The following is a list of courtesy statements to implement in all death care related businesses:


Share warm and friendly greetings and goodbyes.

     Begin and end each day with sincere “good morning” and “good night.”

     Smile and make direct eye contact as you work around others.


Create a positive work environment.

     Be enthusiastic about your role.

     Bring your best attitude to work each day.

     Leave your personal problems outside the workplace.

     Be caring and helpful to your fellow teammates.


Respect each individual’s spirit.

     Speak positively about one another.

     Eliminate gossip.


Catch people doing the correct thing.

     In public, praise one another.

     Maintain four-to-one positive to negative comments.

     Celebrate individual and team successes.

     Offer positive feedback.


Resolve conflict positively.

     In private, speak directly with the person.

     Be respectful in all such discussions.

     Agree to disagree at times.

     Finish on a positive note.


Value personal accountability.

     Admit fault and apologize before the day is over.

     Thank others for constructive advice and suggestions.

     Honor all deadlines.

     Focus on problem-solving rather than placing blame.

     Learn from mistakes and make necessary adjustments.


Bring your best attitude to work every day.

     Smile, smile and smile.

     Have fun: Take work seriously, but keep it light.

     Always do what is expected – and then some.

     Lead by example: Volunteer for what needs to be done.


Communicate effectively and enthusiastically.

     Say “please” and “thank you.”

     Be a good listener.

     Pay attention when others are speaking.


Support each other.

     Offer your help and lend a hand – no matter the task.

     Never say “It’s not my job.”

     Be slow to criticize and quick to praise.

     Offer a solution when addressing a problem.

     Coach new team members.


Make a difference in each other’s lives.

     Recognize and enjoy each other’s differences.

     Learn new ways from someone different.


  Implementing these seemingly basic practices creates a ripple effect. If an owner uses these practices on a regular basis, employees will follow. Alternatively, if an employee implements the practice his colleagues will follow. Either way, the ultimate result is a focus on teamwork, value on personal development and courtesy, and superior customer experience.


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