Museum Corner

Celebrating America’s Presidents at the National Museum of Funeral History

Posted by The National Museum of Funeral History on February 1, 2015

  The National Museum of Funeral History in Houston, Texas is a great place to visit in February. It might be a short month, but there’s still ample time to visit the museum as we commemorate our nation’s leaders on President’s Day, from our first POTUS George Washington to Abraham Lincoln and all the great presidents who have followed.

  Our Presidential Funerals exhibit brings together artifacts and original items used in the state funerals and burial services of some of America’s greatest presidents. The exhibit features the authentic bill from George Washington’s funeral (did you know his funeral cost a whopping $11.25?!), the original eternal flame from John F. Kennedy’s gravesite in Arlington National Cemetery, the ammo case that carried several of the rounds from the 21-cannon salute from the ascent and descent of Air Force One during the multiple funeral services of Gerald Ford in 2006 and more. Photo galleries of presidential funeral services and original news reports taken from the museum’s archives provide a historical perspective on the chain of events set in motion upon the death of a US president. There’s even a full-scale re-creation of Abraham Lincoln lying in repose on view, along with an authentic mourning badge worn by a guest at his funeral in 1865.

  Speaking of Lincoln…since last summer, the museum has been paying tribute to the 16th president, leading up to the 150th anniversary of his assassination on April 15, 2015. This month we celebrate Lincoln’s birthday, in conjunction with Presidents’ Day, with a Lincoln Birthday Bash on Sunday and Monday, February 15 and 16. Visitors will enjoy a celebratory cake and punch and learn more about the history of Lincoln’s birth and life in a special section of the Presidential Funerals exhibit. Guests who come dressed as Honest Abe or his wife, Mary, or come in period costume (late 1800s) on February 15 and 16 will get into the museum for free. (This is a great opportunity to bust out your mutton chops!) Then, on Presidents’ Day, Monday, February 16 at 3 pm, Genevieve Keeney, president of the museum, will give a free fascinating 30-minute presentation on the planning of a presidential funeral in the museum’s auditorium.

  While at the museum, visitors are encouraged to “Leave us your Lincoln!” – five dollar bills and pennies –near the Lincoln section of the Presidential Funerals exhibit. Additionally, the museum is relying on visitors to help fill the Lincoln Penny Folder, which features pennies that have been minted throughout the years. Funds raised through these initiatives will support the museum’s efforts to bring more Lincoln funeral artifacts to Houston in the future.

  The Lincoln birthday party and Presidents’ Day celebration are just one of many special events set to take place at the Museum as we pay tribute to our 16th President over the next several months. 1865 was a pivotal year in the history of our nation as 2015 also marks the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War. Visit our website at to see how you can join the festivities.

  Not sure what to give your sweetie for Valentine’s Day? A unique date at the museum on February 14 will be something your beloved won’t soon forget as you explore more than 30,000 square feet of exhibit space that celebrates both life and death by honoring different cultures, our political and religious leaders as well as veterans and iconic entertainment figures. The museum is a place to learn about the mourning rituals of ancient civilizations, see up-close the authentic items used in the funerals of U.S. Presidents and Popes and explore the rich heritage of the industry which cares for the dead and more. There’s definitely something for everyone. We hope to see you soon!


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