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Posted by Kristan Dean on June 25, 2014

  Who knew writing about one day of giving strangers random hugs would be more than one column? Not me. I thought I would write about what 30 different strangers do when I go up to them, open my arms and say, “today I am giving random hugs,” and that would be that. My nephew Joe knew better.

  He said there is more to this than hugs. Write about how you and Jacqui came up with the idea and ask people to think about what they believe would happen if they were to go up to a complete stranger and surprise them with a hug. Then you can write about what the 30 strangers do when you try to give them a random hug.

  Three columns in I finally get to tell you what the 30 strangers I met on our social adventure do. Jacqui, Jack, and I arrive at Nantasket beach to begin our walk and we see the cutest dog. I walk up to the pup, scootch down to say hi and the dog walks right into my arms prompting me to get up, open my arms and tell his humans “today I am giving random hugs.” The woman walks right into my embrace and hugs me. I turn to the man and he hugs me too. Then almost in unison they give me a big Thank You and even bigger smiles.

  We continue down the boardwalk and find our next cute puppy. I walk over to the group. When I am just about to pet the dog a young girl of about 5 comes right at me losing control of her bike. As she falls I scoop her up and say today I am giving random hugs and she hugs me. I then hug the adults in the group as I watch a really big man take a small step towards us and quickly back away and I know. He took that step because he wants a hug too so I go up to him say “today I am giving random hugs” and with the biggest smile I have seen yet he hugs me back.

  Catching up with Jacqui and Jack we realize my hugs are not random. I am only approaching puppy people so I change my hug plan; walk up to the next people that make eye contact with me; smile and say today I am giving random hugs. You guessed it they hug back with bigger smiles and Thank Yous and this is our experience with everyone except two people.

  Out of 30 different strangers I only received one no and one eye roll. The eye roll came from the friend of a woman who could not stop saying how much she loves her hug and the idea of making peoples’ day with surprise hugs. Not paying attention to the other woman’s eye roll I hug her any way and yep she begrudgingly hugs me back.

  The only person that refuses my hug came out on our first sunny rather warm spring day in a full-length fluffy parka, baseball cap, and sunglasses. Before walking up to her I tell Jacqui and Jack this woman is not open for a hug, but I go up to her anyway. Smile, and say today I am giving random hugs and receive my first and only no Thank you. To which I say may I hug you on the inside, she says yes, I give her heart a hug from mine, and move on to my next random hug.

  From the beach to the supermarket I continue to give random hugs and I have to say if you want to try this go to whole foods because if they are anything like my whole foods crew. When you tell the cashier “today I am giving random hugs” he will bend over the belt, give you the biggest hug, and tell you his bagger and the cashier at the next register need hugs too. Then people in line will say me too and your social adventure will begin. I look forward to hearing how opening your arms to embrace a stranger opens both of your hearts. 


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