Full page and half page ads placed in the beginning pages of the Funeral Home & Cemetery Directory are available in full color.
1/4, 1/2 and full page ads may be placed within the beginning pages of the Funeral Home & Cemetery Directory for an additional charge.
Advertising of any size may appear within any city or state in black and white. Ads are placed alphabetically whenever possible. Specific placement (ie: beginning of state, beginning of city, top of page, etc.,) is reserved on a first come first serve basis to funeral homes/trade service companies for an additional charge. Extra ads may be purchased for advertising under more than one city/state.
The largest ad placed is a "Main Ad" which is charged at full price. Any additional ad(s) placed are "Extra Ads" available at a discounted price. If an ad is placed in the Funeral Home & Cemetery Directory, any Buyer’s Guide ads will be charged at the "Extra Ad" rates. Likewise, once an ad is placed in the Buyer’s Guide, any advertising in the Funeral Home & Cemetery Directory will be charged at the "Extra Ad" rate.