Patty Desiderio

Not Just A Widow

  Patty Desiderio is co-founder of Not Just a Widow LLC. She co-authored The Not Just a Widow Guidebook with Doug Robinson, who has provided over 25 years of guidance and counsel on personal financial planning to widowed clients. 

Patty is motivated by her own experience as a widow. After her husband Basil died in 2011, she had to navigate the unique hurdles of widowhood. She often wondered why there weren’t more resources for widows and why everyone was so reluctant to talk about something that affects millions of women. She knew she could help her fellow widows.
Patty offers Widow Identity Transformation Workshops to educate the public about the challenges widows face. She has founded and is an active participant in widow’s support groups at national and local levels. Patty lives in Phenix City, Alabama.
The Not Just A Widow Guidebook can be found on Amazon and at Not Just a Widow’s website and Facebook page are excellent resources for widows looking for guidance.



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