Mark My Words

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Posted by Mark Pennington on June 1, 2017

  Not interested? That’s the feeling I’ve taken back with me after attending literally hundreds of meetings, conferences and trade shows. And it bothers me. So few people take advantage of the excellent opportunities we have in this industry to grow our knowledge, expand our networks and discover new resources I’d like to point out some of the valuable things I’ve discovered in my 45 plus years of attending industry programs.

  Networking: Wow, where else are you going to have the opportunity to pick the brains of people who are not your competitors? Great ideas from across the country, way, way out of your market area are there for the harvest. Who’s to say they can’t be adapted to your neighborhood?

  Rules & Regs: This is the place to stay current on legislative activities your state is examining. Analysis and perspective regarding trends and regulations can give you a heads-up on issues that will directly impact you and your bottom line. And, the info doesn’t come at a several hundred dollars-an-hour hit from a lawyer!

  Talent Search: Conferences and meetings are great venues to help you mine new talent. Remember the importance of staffing and the immeasurable value a great associate can make, i.e. money in your pocket with no finder’s fee.

  Operation Improvement: “Aw no, don’t need to waste my time. We’re doing great.” Does this mean you can’t actually do better, I think we all can improve and in doing so raise the level of trust and appreciation people have for our industry. Meeting with industry leaders can’t hurt, but it certainly can help. Mine the gold that’s out there by listening and learning from those who’ve made a difference. There’s always a better way. Don’t be stubborn or too proud to acknowledge that fact.

  Meet Suppliers: Go ahead, talk to suppliers, you might learn something! Even if you don’t use what they’re offering perhaps they should be added to your Resource Book. Another good idea that could save you tremendous time in the future. It’s true. Suppliers know what everyone else is doing and how. Think of this as a learning experience.

  Like always, those people who could most benefit from the information are usually the ones bypassing the opportunity. Sure, association meetings can be time-consuming, and expensive. Small firms may have difficulty getting coverage, or question the expense. But, all things considered you might try one closer to home or in a city/town where there’s a mortuary school. Then time spent can also allow you to check out upcoming talent from the school.

  Do yourself a favor, don’t get into a rut because you’ve had your business for a while, or especially if you’ve inherited your firm. Every couple of years go to a few conventions or meetings and find out what’s trending, what the industry’s talking about and what’s new with suppliers. I’m pretty sure you’ll discover something that will improve your business, your attitude and your bottom line.

  And finally, we haven’t even mentioned the social aspect. Last time I looked, my funeral director associates wouldn’t turn down the chance to just “hang out” with like-minded people who share their problems and expectations. When you’re out of your town and not being held to possibly unreasonable standards, you can have a beer, relax, be funny, be a “regular” guy/gal. That alone can help you recharge.


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