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Kristan Dean's blog

Posted by Kristan Dean on June 1, 2017

  When you think about where the world is today do you see division or do you see unity? If your mind takes you to what the news reports your focus may be on wars, injustices, and the differences that divide us. Look in your heart and I pray that you see the love and hope that can unite us.

  You are a source of power. You might even be one of the butterflies that help connect our world. No, I am not calling you a butterfly—though you may be as beautiful as one. Today I am wondering what science has to say about the power of even the smallest act of kindness. Imagine if you will: connecting Newton’s third law “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” with the spirit of mathematician and meteorologist Edward Nortin’s butterfly effect with quantum mechanic’s entangled particles theory.

  Now that is a lot of science. You may even be asking what is the butterfly effect and what are entangled particles? In a nutshell chaos theory’s butterfly effect proposes that the fluttering of a butterfly’s wings in South America contributes to a tornado in Texas. While entangled particles are two separate particles so connected that they will react to the action performed on one another even when they are on opposite sides of the globe.

  So what does one of Newton’s laws, the butterfly effect, and entangled particles have to do with small acts of kindness? Perhaps nothing. On the other hand if one small act of kindness inspires another and another and those inspire exponentially more, well then science may be catching on to what Saint Francis Assisi said centuries ago: “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”

  The question remains: is one small act of kindness enough to be a candle in the darkness that divides our planet? Look at it this way and you may have doubt. You may be saying how on earth can kindness overcome everything that is dividing us? Take science into account and you might agree that there is no stopping the power of love and hope that kindness can ignite. Please do not get me wrong. I know that kindness may meet rebuff. The question is when kindness is unaccepted does the light of unity die? Not according to Saint Francis and not according to science.

  If you believe we are all part of one human race then you know that every act of kindness no matter how small creates an energy that will only grow the power of love and hope. You are one of the butterflies that can bring light to our world’s problems and divisions. It is time to let your light shine. I look forward to hearing about how your kindness brings light to your community and our world. Please give me a ring at 781-331-5308, email me at kristandean@aol.com, or better yet join in the conversation at the lets chat blog.


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