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Can I Buy You a Cup of Coffee?

Posted by Nancy Weil on May 1, 2017

  These are the words that started the unfolding of a spectacular win/win/win situation. I had been to the veterinarian’s office with a very sick Simone, our pug, the week before. She came in from her lunch break to see my fur baby on a very busy day. My gratitude for her kindness could not be adequately expressed by just paying the bill.

  The following week my cat was dropped off at 7:30 a.m. to have her teeth cleaned (she now has only three teeth left in her mouth) and I was blurry eyed and kind of hating that morning comes so early in the day. I was heading to my local coffee shop for my usual order of chai latte made with almond milk. I asked the staff if I could get them something and they quickly went around getting everyone’s order.

  At the coffee shop I handed the owner the slip of paper and asked him to add in some pastries and cookies. I also told him that the staff had not heard of his shop, even though it was only blocks away. He said he would add in some coupons for a free cup of coffee to get them in the door. As I paid he thanked me for supporting his business and helping his small family owned company grow.

  Arriving back to the vet’s office I was greeted with a staff eager to try out their tasty treats and delicious beverages. I went home with a great feeling knowing that I had made their day, helped Michael at the coffee shop and satisfied that I had now expressed my gratitude properly. It was truly a win/win/win kind of start to my day.

  This got me thinking about our businesses. How do we create these types of situations? Who are the companies you use and support and what do you do to help promote them to others? Do you enjoy a delicious meal at a local non-chain restaurant and then return home to sing their praises on Yelp? Is there a dry cleaner who always rushes through your order when you just have to get it back the next day? Do you say “thanks” or do you head to Google reviews and pop up a few words letting others know why this is the best dry cleaner in your city?

  What about your suppliers? The casket and urn companies who work so hard to earn and keep your business? Do you share their information at your association meeting along with your endorsement? Graphic designers, web designers, IT folks all want to grow and gain new clients. A few words from you can be a great way for them to attract new clients.

  What about social media? We may use it to vent when we are upset about how a company treated us or when we did not get what we ordered, but do you head to Facebook or tweet a mention of extraordinary customer service? Do you take a photo of your new copy machine that was delivered on time at a great price and installed with no issues and let everyone of your “friends” on Facebook know about it?

  Yes, it takes time and you are already on overwhelm. Yes, it seems that no one actually cares about your suit, your coffee, your copier or your sick dog (well, actually people really do care about your pet!). The companies who have served one new customer from your review can turn that into thousands of dollars of profit over time. For one customer begets another and another until it ripples out to greater growth and success.

  Think about what it does for your firm if a family that was “wowed” by how much you cared for their loved one took the time to post on Facebook, review on Google or tweet on Twitter. Their kind words will get back to you and your staff will know that they have made a difference for one family. Others will find their way to your door and the cycle begins again.

  Buy someone a cup of coffee today…you never know where it will lead.


BTW: My pets have been a financial drain over the years and the best decision I ever made was to insure my pug with Healthy Paws Pet Insurance. They have paid us back many times over the premiums I have given to them. They are a great company to work with and they care about your pet, too. And, yes, I have sent them a testimonial for their website, posted about them on Facebook and written a Google review.


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