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Wars in our Homes and Work-places that go Unnoticed

Posted by Gary Finch on October 1, 2013

After wrestling with computer issues over the last year or two, I recently purchased three Windows 8 computers. The issues the computers solve are pale in comparison to the issues that were created. These wars have nothing to do with you or me, yet they have everything to do with us. My learning curve has increased ten-fold, yet I have learned little that helps me do things that help you.

  I am speaking about computer wars. I don’t mean what brand or which version you decide to buy. The real wars take place after the acquisition is made. Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Adobe all offer clouds that house projects. Today, each of those clouds is fighting to house the other’s products. That is to say, MS wants your photos that are stored in an Adobe Photoshop Cloud, and those you have stored at online photo services, to be stored on an MS Cloud.

  Apple, Google, Adobe, and Microsoft all have products designed to handle the other’s applications. There are probably many more that do this. Dell, the company that shipped me the three computers, also has a cloud. Every single cloud is designed to make your life easier, and every one requires a unique password that is not used anywhere else. Today, when I call my information technology (IT) professional to come help, he begs off. “I don’t know how to sync iTunes to Windows 8. I didn’t even know they were not compatible. Find a kid to do it. I’ve had to drop music.”

  “What are you focused on now? And how is your business?” He says it has been slow, but starting off usually is. I asked, “What is it you are offering?” He answers, “Oh, another tech guy and I have opened up a cloud company for medium size businesses.” “Interesting” I exclaim, “I bet it’s wide open. Hope you hit a home run.” I say bye and drive home, wondering whether a 13, 16, or 19 year old might be best to help me overcome my computer issues.

  I come home, turn on the television. They’re showing more wars. Not the kind fought by our military. This is a war between the coal miner unions and environmentalists. The next one is about the Teamster Union and Obama Care. Notice all four of these are Democrat constituents. Not to be outdone, Republicans are starting to eat their own over whether the party would be better off if they opposed Obama or sought a compromise. Both parties focus on what will win. Neither is focused on what is best.

  We cannot help but be defined in part by the many wars that are taking place in our homes and workplaces. In this case, we are learning what wins trumps what is needed, or what is just and right. It foretells of a time when employers will not really look out for their employees, they will just pretend to do it. And for employees, well what goes around comes around.

  The cooperation between employers and employees has served the funeral industry well. It results in better customer service as well as a better and safer work atmosphere. That good working relationship is under attack today. Who will end up benefitting? Definitely OSHA, definitely not the employers and employees, and most definitely, it won’t be the people this industry serves.


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