Legal Speak

Atty. Harvey I. Lapin Bio

Atty. Harvey I. Lapin's blog

When to Consult With Your Attorney

Posted by Atty. Harvey I. Lapin on May 1, 2017

  A client recently called me to confirm my advice after attending an industry state association spring meeting. One of the presentations at the meeting was an update to the state law and regulations. The presenter was the chairperson of the state association’s legislative committee, who was not a lawyer.

  During the presentation statements were made about the current state law and regulations that appeared to the client to be different from the advice the author has previously provided to the client. There had been no changes in the current state law or regulations.

  The client was very concerned, as the company had been following the author’s advice for many years in connection with forms and rules used in its operations. The client inquired about the advice and wanted a confirmation it was operating in accordance with the state law and regulations. The author did a quick review of the state law and regulations and confirmed the previous advice. Accordingly no changes were required.

  The purpose of this column is to alert subscribers that if they hear or are provided interpretations of state law and regulations that are different from those they are using in their operations, they should always confirm the interpretation with their own attorneys before making any changes. You should always consult with your own attorney before changing forms or rules even if another attorney or state official gives a different interpretation.

  Unfortunately, there were attendees at the state association meeting that did not have the ability to consult with an attorney. Accordingly, they may have made changes to their forms and rules that were not correct.

  This article is for the information of subscribers and does not constitute legal advice about this subject. All subscribers should accordingly consult with their own attorney to make sure they are in compliance with the laws in their state.


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