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Posted by Kristan Dean on May 1, 2017

  When every step forward brings you two steps back what do you see? Do you see a failure or a road map to success? Are you asking how can pressure, failure, and mistakes lead to victory?

  Come sit in my shoes for a moment. Imagine your house is upside down with construction and that is ok because you plan to rent it and move into the cottage. This is perfect because you do not need to be rental ready until September. Sure, your tenants may ask to renew their lease for a third year. Either way you’re all set, right?

  Not so fast. The tenants are about to tell you they are buying a home and they want to leave June 1. You want to scream, “Yay!” The problem is, there is no way the house will be ready to show for a June 1 rental. That’s ok, you advertise the cottage for rent and you let your tenants know that you will do everything humanly possible to find new residents by June 1. By Friday evening you have six appointments.

  Then the lump on your dog’s paw bursts. Ok, holistic medicine is not working. Problem: the vet isn’t available until Monday. Ok, you triple your holistic efforts and take it day by day. The weekend is a buzz with showings, tea soaks, drawing salves, and calls to your best friend who says, “everything will be ok you’re doing a great job.” Upside: everyone that sees the cottage asks for an application. Downside: it is Sunday night and you have no applications to review. Worse, Fido’s toe is not looking great and he has a lump on his chest and the adjacent toe. Yep, Fido is going to the vet.

  Monday brings good news: the chest lump is just fatty tissue no need for alarm. It also brings some new news: in addition Fido’s toe lumps there is also one on his back. Time to schedule surgery. Wednesday: Fido goes in for biopsies, surgery to remove the lumps on his toes and possibly the one on his back while you go home to show the cottage and work. Amazingly, you actually get things done.

  Wednesday night…ah…you can breathe. Fido is home and you have some great news. The lump on his back is a cyst. The smaller lump on the toe has no cells plus the vet took it out with great margins. Two lumps down, one to go. The big toe lump needs lab work. You create a prayer plan. Prayers: Fido heals with no complications and good news from the lab. You also put a pin in two medical options.

  The next day there is blood on Fido’s bandage and the vet wants to see him. You schedule the vet for 3:00 because you have a 1:30 with a person (who does not show). Upside: the vet tells you Fido’s toes look great and he has a new bandage. You get home to a text from the cottage: “Can you please confirm tomorrow night’s showing we have dinner with friends…” At this point you lose it a little bit. You text: “I pray you know that I am doing everything humanly possible to end your lease months early including scheduling Fido’s surgery and todays emergency appointment around showings. The best I can do is text you when the showing ends or if they do not show.”

  As soon as you hear the text sent sound you realize that you are releasing your frustration in harshness towards others. It doesn’t change your stress. You just realize that you are dancing with life and for every two steps back there is a new direction and a new road map for success. You take a breath and know tomorrow is another day. Best part: the lab will give Fido a clean bill of health, more work will get done on the house, and you will start thinking maybe a June 1 is possible. I look forward to hearing where life’s dance is taking you.


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