Random Musings

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Posted by Nancy Weil on February 1, 2017

  If you’ve learned nothing else working in this industry, it is that life takes unexpected turns. How we handle these “zigs” when we were planning to “zag” determines our happiness. It is not the circumstance that makes us happy, but rather how we view it that can bring us either joy or despair. We are innately great salespeople, who can talk ourselves in to or out of anything. Working with my consulting clients has shown me that a simple shift in perspective can free us from that feeling of overwhelm.

  Last fall saw me moving to Florida and taking up residence in a 30’ trailer in my brother’s warehouse parking lot. This was not my ideal living circumstance, nor what I envisioned when thinking of Beachfront Bargain Hunt and other shows that remind us how great it is to live on the water. Yet it is a safe place to live until I can find my next home. Sharing my space with my fiancé, Bob, pug, Simone and cat, Keeley makes for tight quarters. Yet HGTV promises me that Tiny Homes are all the rage, so I guess I am at least trendy!

  I was faced with a decision when I chose to move: I could embrace my circumstances or bemoan my fate. The Ego would say to whine and complain. “Trailer living is beneath me,” the Ego would say. Yet I listen to my heart and embrace this transition time. I see my brother every day as he works at his craft. I also see raccoons scurrying by me as I exit my warehouse office space (but that is a story for another day!) I enjoy the peacefulness of the dead end street. The coziness of the small space. I am proud of the nutritious vegan meals I can produce out of my mini-kitchen. I am amused at the absurdity of it all. I have had time to blog (see my website to sign up or to read my blog), time to meditate and time to exhale.

  I watch my fellow funeral professionals who wonder when they last had time to breathe deeply, to reflect upon their life or just enjoy a winter’s day. Those who are busy have no time and worry about staffing, stress and sanity. Those who are slow still have no time as they busy themselves worrying about clients, calculations and closing their doors. These scenarios are all real, but are they healthy? Worry does nothing but take away our inner peace. Worry is a projection of what might occur, not what is actually happening right now. Peace is the Soul letting you know that everything is in perfect order, no matter what is occurring.

  When you feel overwhelmed remind yourself that right now, at this very moment, you are safe (unlike many around the world), you are loved and you can make it through any challenge. I love the meme that states, “So far I have survived 100% of my worst days.”

  But what about your best days? Isn’t that the one you are experiencing right now? Did you wake up on the right side of the grass? Are those you love doing well? Do you have the freedom to choose what you will do for the next 24 hours? If you could answer “yes”, then this is the most amazing day of your life so far. All you have to do is decide that it is so and look for the signs that indicate you are right. You don’t have to live in a trailer to appreciate your home. You don’t have to wake up in sunshine, to miss the snow (or is it the other way around?!) You need only to focus more on what you want in this day. Nothing more. Just look and you will find your bliss.


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