Designing Woman

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CONTEST ALERT: and the Winner IS…

Posted by MaryAnne Scheuble on February 1, 2017

  In the course of our lives, examples of excellence and amazing achievements not only cause us to pause and take note, but also inspire us. We create awards for and celebrate those who successfully challenge the way things are and who seek to improve standard performance.

  The Guinness Book of World Records, for example, is known around the world as an “Achievement Encyclopedia” of sorts. One could be immortalized in that book and forever be a part of history. Or, one’s record could be broken the next day. While I wouldn’t want to be known for 1) hot dog speed-eating, or 2) the fastest mile on a pogo stick while juggling three balls, or 3) most tattooed senior citizen, each one marks a pinnacle.

  On the more serious side, the Olympics honor athletic prowess; Rhodes scholarships are presented annually to academically exceptional students to further education; JD Powers bestows business and marketing awards based on consumer response and satisfaction each year. As an example, in 2016 SCI received the President’s Award in recognition of its commitment to excellence in customer satisfaction.

  The interesting thing about exceptional ideas or actions is that once introduced, they cause ripples of change. In the design world, an interesting or successful design seen this year will be copied and altered and adapted for years to come. The Coco Channel suit has been echoed in women’s designs since its inception in 1921. Frank Lloyd Wright’s innovative corner windows for Fallingwater built in 1939, can now be found even in modest buildings throughout the U.S.

  The following are current award-winning designs for decor. Look for modified versions or variations on a theme to appear at your favorite retailer over the next 2-10 years.

  Pinnacle Awards presented by American Society of Furniture Designers:

     Best Student Award – Medius Chair – all wood sculptural design

     Best Home Entertainment – Venue Console - mid-century modern

     Best Lighting Design – Brass Universe Chandelier – echoes Alexander Caulder’s work

     Best Collection – Criteria Dining Set – classic yet sleek

  It is important – whatever the industry - to acknowledge excellence and innovation as well as to honor those who strive to achieve outstanding performance. Superlative performance serves by example to raise the bar for all. Everyone who tries will be a winner.

  So, who offers design awards to memorial industry businesses for their well-designed or creatively-worked spaces? Having set foot inside hundreds of locations, I can attest that there are industry professionals who work hard to create and maintain attractive facilities. I have toured through beautifully memorable funeral homes and cemetery offices. Their businesses are designed to welcome, comfort and assure the bereaved they will receive exceptional professional services.

  Until now, however, there have been no Interior Design Awards for memorial industry businesses.

  You could join the ranks of “winners” by submitting an entry for the first Memorial Industry INTERIOR DESIGN AWARD for Best Conversation Area.

  To enter:

1.      Submit photo(s) of seating area which accommodates two or more people. Visitation rooms, hospitality spaces, arrangement areas or any common space qualify.

2.      Note if a decorating challenge was addressed i.e. converted storage area; architectural dilemma – low ceiling or narrow space, etc.

3.      Add a few sentences to explain what’s unique, beautiful, comforting about the space.

4.      Include visitor comments, if possible. (We’ll take your word for it!)

  Send email with photos by MARCH 31 to: The Designing Woman –, with the subject line: Entry – Best Conversation Area.

  The prize is a Howard Miller Wingate Gallery Clock (625-566) plus featured story in this newspaper!

  Winner will be announced in May issue. (HINT: Submit an entry before you put down this periodical or you may become distracted.)

  Show us what sets your business apart. Beautiful décor honors your guests and visually assures them that your overall goal is to provide the best care possible – in every way.

  And the winner is – YOU!


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