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Marketing Your Funeral Home Part 1 of 2: First Impressions

Posted by Mark Pennington on February 1, 2017

  Marketing. Whoa, that’s a huge topic so I’m going to break it down. This column will address image. When you’re reviewing the plan to market your funeral home (yes, you should have a plan), consider the entire process. You need an objective assessment of what your current image is, what is perceived that you do well and what needs improvement. Notice I said “perceived”. Unfortunately that’s one thing that really matters in marketing–what people think and what they believe about you. In order to get this essential feedback, you need to ask a third party, not a friend, to come in and provide an honest critique. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll discover about people’s perceptions once you ask for objective comments. Companies depend on “focus groups” to help them market their product. We need them too.

  Here are some things you could ask: “What did you think or see when you first pulled up? Were the building and grounds attractive?” In other words, how’s my curb appeal? Just as if you were marketing a home to sell, you need to be concerned about what people first see. The old cliché about you have only one chance to make a first impression applies here. Do you need to cut back foliage? Repaint doors, clear weeds from pavement, stripe driveways? It’s so easy to ignore these things because you see them every day and they no longer make an impression. Fresh objective eyes are needed.

  Do you have a flagpole? Consider this, there is no more accepted sign of patriotism or respect than to show our country’s flag. If you have one, has it been dedicated? Is there some group from your town that deserves recognition? A dedication ceremony with the mayor, councilmen, VFW, American Legion, etc. is great PR – usually garnering newspaper space with a photo. This begins to establish your funeral home as a center of activity other than funerals. You could tie this dedication ceremony into an Open House, possibly showcasing a new showroom, family space or gathering area.

  Do you have a comfortable outdoor area with a bench or garden, a contemplative spot that provides a quiet space during busy times? Or, a dedicated spot for smokers? Can you carve out a small treed area for this purpose? Private space can be a blessing during times of stress, just one more reflection of your experience and compassion.

  Next month, we’ll move inside and give you some thoughts about how to showcase your home without spending a fortune on redecorating. We’ll offer some ideas that can be simply implemented but that have long range impact. On your own, take an objective look, if you can’t remember the last time you added something new, or redecorated even one space, start making a list. Here’s a sobering thought, too often in my 40-plus year career I have returned to a funeral home visited 15 or so years earlier and everything, I mean everything was exactly the same. That speaks volumes to families who often choose a funeral director for their family and do return again and again. What is this saying about you?


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