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Posted by Kristan Dean on February 1, 2017

  As the order of the day is rest, rest, and more rest so that my body and brain have the time they need to reboot after a car accident I am beyond grateful to Funeral Home & Cemetery News for suggesting that I choose a column to re-run. I hope that you will continue reading and that this column inspires you to give even more to the animals in your community that need you.


  My sister Jaqui recently forwarded me “A DOG’S LAST WILL & TESTAMENT” and though I wish we knew the author’s name I do not want that to stand in the way of my sharing it with you.



  Before humans die, they write their Last Will & Testament, give their home and all they have to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I’d ask…

To a poor and lonely stray I’d give:

     My happy home.

     My bowl and cozy bed, soft pillows and all my toys.

     The lap, which I loved so much

     The hand that stroked my fur & the sweet voice which spoke my name.

  I’d will to the sad, scared shelter dog, the place I had in my human’s loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds.

  So when I die, please do not say, “I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand.”

  Instead, go find an unloved dog…one whose life has held no joy or hope and give My place to him.

  This is the one thing I can give…The love I left behind.    –Author Unknown


  As a person that grew up with rescue pups and kittens and adopted a puppy mill rescue of my own I am in awe of this dog for inspiring someone to write such a beautiful testament. I believe that our pets want us to open our hearts to a pet in need when they die because when we do the Love we shared does more than live on it grows with every pet we give it to.

  This is not to say that a pet can be replaced or that getting a new pet is the answer to a pet owner’s grief. It is an acknowledgement that when a pet dies people need to honor the love they have for them and the love they received from them. Leading me to ask is there another way that our communities can help animals in need in honor of the Love they have for their living & deceased pets?

  With spring cleaning on lots of to do lists I realized ... this is a perfect time to ask people to donate things to their local animal shelter in honor of the pets they love. The question is what do shelters need? According to Mary Connolly of the South Shore Humane Society “It is always best to ask the shelter that you want to donate to what they need because every shelter is unique.” Still there are a few things almost every shelter needs.

  The top universal shelter needs according to Mary are:

     Towels - “More than anything”


     Pet Carriers (new and used)

     Stainless Steel Dishes - “because plastic can retain bacteria”

     Leashes (new and used ...“there are never enough”)

     Litter boxes (new only due to plastic’s ability to retain bacteria)

     Pet Food ‘for the shelters, owners that come to the shelters in need of food for their pet, and the wild life sanctuaries shelters often share food with”

     Dog crates and houses (new and used)

     Dog and Cat Shampoos

     Toys (tennis balls, kong toys, basic cat and puppy toys)

     Kitten and Puppy Milk Replacers KMR (kitten and puppy formula)

     Blankets and Comforters (although Mary cautions “many appreciate receiving these more in the winter due to lack of storage)

     Your Time and Abilities to take pet photos and post them online, walk a pup, snuggle a kitten, clean a cage, help do repairs, and assist with the paperwork, 

     Shelters with Rabbits (love shoe boxes, the rolls from paper towels and toilet paper and all things card board for the bunnies to shred)

     Shelters with birds love bird seed, bird toys, all things card board, and cages

     Please Spay and Neuter Your Pets “Not to sound like Bob Barker but this is so important that many shelters help pet owners in need spray and neuter their pets”

  Knowing how much our industry is growing to answer the needs of families that want to honor their deceased pets by conducting pet memorial services, cremations, and burials I hope you will let “A DOG’S LAST WILL & TESTAMENT” inspire you to bring your community together to honor of the pets they love by helping animals in need.


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