Designing Woman

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Employee Satisfaction

Posted by MaryAnne Scheuble on January 1, 2017

  Every January we wish each other “Happy New Year”. But is there something we can do to actually help others have a Happy New Year? We spend so much of our lives at work. What if we could make beneficial changes to our work environment and at the same time increase employee satisfaction?

  Early in my career I was hired by a company that was known for premier products and service. As dedicated professionals, our collective goal was to deliver an outstanding customer experience. Despite the high caliber of personnel and achieved sales results, there was a surprising employee turnover.

  It wasn’t just that our break room was depressing with its old tables, hard chairs and lime green walls; or that the employee entrance was a rusty door opening into a poorly-lit storage room; or that water issues kept us alert for critters that may have invaded our territory. The bottom line was that the company’s owners did not value their employees as they did their customers. Essentially, a lack of regard for employees drove good people away.

  Assuming that you, the employer, have done a phenomenal job of providing the necessary tools for employee success with good salaries, continuing education opportunities and empowering employees to make decisions, what else might draw people to you? What else would ensure that employees are content and feel a strong level of satisfaction? What would drive the best candidates to apply and stay?

  To compare, let’s take a look at Microsoft, Google and Black Box, known for attracting the best and brightest applicants. What makes them such appealing employers? These companies have determined that employee satisfaction directly impacts work performance, job retention and the collective culture of business. While a climbing wall or 24 hour Sports Center cable feed won’t fit your business, there are other tech company design perks which can be imitated.

Select some of these to complement your business model:

     Hot & cold beverages

     Breakfast meeting once a month

     Recliners in a break/hospitality room

     Comfortable work chairs (prevent back issues)

     Work space that allows for organization

     Checkers/chess board/ jigsaw puzzles/Xbox

     Pleasant, uplifting music

     Free weekly lunch voucher

     Yoga DVD’s/ CD’s with relaxation techniques

     Softened dress code (hint: Ask families what they prefer for their services)

  Those are the easy ones. Now think about the environment where you would like to spend most of your time. What are design elements that make you feel good? Just consider your own home. You want comfortable furniture, well-lit reading or work area, inviting décor, organized work/living space, stress-free relaxing space.

  Does your work environment have the following elements? If not, notice the related benefit you may be missing.

Design Details                            Benefit

Welcoming front door               Sets stage for pleasant work day

Attractive, updated décor          Indicates pride in work place              

Comfortable seating                  People suffer fewer joint/ back issues

Bright lighting                              Makes all feel better and more alert

Trend/updated colors                Shows business is current and not outdated

Facility in good repair                Shows attention to details

Coordinated furnishings          Shows sense of style/class        

Organized work space              Evokes confidence that nothing will be over-looked

Cozy environment                      Encourages more comfortable interactions

Slightly relaxed dress code      Dispels cold formality; more approachable

To additionally honor your employees, ask for their ideas and implement them. It is possible to create a happy new year at work. In the long run, your employees will be motivated to provide even better service because they feel respected. Not surprisingly, the ultimate outcome will be contented, returning customers – and an enhanced bottom line.

  Happy New Year!


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