Let's Chat

Kristan Dean Bio

Kristan Dean's blog

Posted by Kristan Dean on January 1, 2017

  As we enter the New Year my brain is not being its typical self. No worries as I recover I get to find the many gifts that come from my brain slowing me down. The first is the beauty that happens when we get to start again. What better time to hit restart and renew than the beginning of our new year. So while I wish you and yours a most beautiful 2017. I am taking this time to recoup and revisit my very first Let’s Chat column in hopes it will renew our efforts to make Let’s Chat even better in 2017. Thank you so much for letting me repeat this column I pray it sparks a new light in your world.


  Today I would like to chat about how each of you, possess a unique perspective. How your expertise and abilities do more than help a family at their time of a loss. Why the best in your profession reach out to your families after the services are over, and how so many of you understand the amazing opportunity you have to serve all of your community.

  Funeral Directors do more than provide and coordinate funeral services. You are quickly becoming the main profession to whom families turn to during one of their saddest times. As changes take place in our religious organizations, communities, and families you are becoming a more integral part of the bereavement process. Wanting it or not; it is happening. People need you to do more.

  You are a family’s most essential event planner. Through your guidance families are able to create services that do more than comfort. Your expert support helps families and all those attending the service to do more than lean on one another. Your understanding and expertise allow families and friends to do more than say goodbye. When you listen to a family's feelings you help create a ceremony that celebrates love.

  Funeral Directors create events that help hearts heal. Funeral services help families and friends celebrate more than memories. They bring people together to remember, rekindle, and solidify their relationships as they honor the relationships they have had with the person who has passed. Funeral services help people celebrate relationships.

 The question is what are you doing after the service? Do you reach out to the families you serve during their time of grieving? Are you one of the best in your profession who understands how much families need you when the services are over? Are your families and your communities able to benefit from all of your expertise?

  Thankfully more and more funeral directors are realizing how important aftercare is to the families they serve. They are making great strides in providing information, and support when it is most needed; during the entire grieving process. These Directors take the time to remind the people they serve that they are there for them. They know how important it can be for a family to hear “I remember.”

  The greatest Funeral Directors realize that their true gifts lie in their ability to create the moments that bring comfort. These Directors reach out to the families they serve and to all in their community. They participate in fundraisers; organize events, hold remembrance services for everyone, and so much more. They are the people their communities know they can turn to in their time of grief. They are the funeral homes that families recommend.

  Over the coming months we will be talking about how Funeral Homes are reaching out to both the families they serve and their communities. Please join in our conversation on the Let’s Chat Blog at https://www.nomispublications.com/blog.aspx, email me at Kristan@mooneytunco.com or giving me a ring at 781-331-5308. I look forward to hearing from you.


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