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PR? Advertising? Which works better?

Posted by Mark Pennington on November 1, 2016

  Just for the exercise, think about the last time you ran an ad, sponsored a radio message, or made a TV spot? Then make a list of the sports teams you sponsor, the churches/temples you support, the bulletins you might still use, the giveaways you’ve ordered or the AfterCare groups you offer. I think you’ll see PR activities trending while the traditional idea of advertising and rain-bonnet giveaways is fading away. Where are you?

  Here’s the problem: you might be spreading yourself too thin. So many people want you to contribute, not just churches and Little Leagues, but the JV Football Team, Soccer League, High School Orchestra, Girls Cheerleading, Cub Scouts, Boys and Girls’ Clubs, not to mention the constant parade of yearbooks, bulletins, event programs that pass your desk. There’s a real need to shrink those requests and establish some guidelines to help you make sure that what you’re spending in support is actually helping you.

  Here’s where BRANDING comes in. Yeah, that buzz word that conjures up logos, websites, and more expense. Watered down to manageable size, branding – no caps – is simply the way you want your firm to be distinguished from the rest of the funeral homes in your area. Sure you can do that with signage and imagery, but that begins to be just wallpaper that people no longer see. What they do notice are unique ways you contribute to the community or to the idea of funeral service. What can you offer that’s different, memorable, positive. Can you schedule an Annual Event for your community, an Open House or sponsor a church picnic? Then, be sure there’s a banner with your name identifying you as the sponsor. The holidays are approaching, is there something special you can do to highlight your commitment to your community?

  One customer of ours creates a Christmas Memorial with a poinsettia in honor of every family they’ve served through the year. Stacked high in diminishing layers, it looks like a Christmas Tree and is the centerpiece of an early Memorial Service and Carol Sing that kicks off the holiday season. Not a costly event, but memorable. Don’t underestimate the power of personal contact. Another friend sends out personal notes usually 90 days after a service. Yes, it takes time, but it does make an impact.

  Talk with your associates, what’s different, special, noteworthy about your firm? Make a list of things you believe you do well or creatively. Then look at where your advertising dollars are going and see if you can eliminate some things that may not be serving you at all.


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