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Let’s Connect

Posted by Nancy Weil on October 1, 2016

  There is something special about this industry that is only understood by those who are in it. The crazy hours, the high emotions, the family dynamics, cremation trends and business pressures all serve to bring us closer in a shared experience. When we first meet, strangers become friends quickly due to this element that connect us. We are “one” in an industry that becomes a calling. We see our work as one of service rather than a “job.” We may have opportunities to go into other work for higher pay and “normal” hours, yet we stay. We stay because what we do matters. We help others in their darkest moments. We walk with them on their grief journey. We comfort and we guide. When people die the one thing they want to know is that they have made a positive difference in the world. Each of us can lay our heads down at night knowing that we have.

  Yet compassion fatigue and burnout is high, turnover at funeral homes can be rampant and there are those who leave for the promise of regular hours and no on-call. We gather together in order to sustain one another, to bond over our shared experiences, to grow, to laugh and to learn. While online continuing education is one way to fulfill licensing requirements, there is nothing better than hopping on a plane and meeting face to face. This month the National Funeral Directors Association members will do just that in Philadelphia. I am honored to be one of the presenters and hope to meet many of you in person. On Sunday I will be helping to ease your stress and go home with strategies and tools to obliterate stress the moment it strikes. Monday you may find me at the bookstore signing my book or walking through the exhibit hall. After so many years of writing this column, I feel like you already know me, but I have yet to meet you. So this is my invitation to you to contact me and make a plan to connect in Philly.

  If you’re not going to the convention, I’d still like to meet you, even if it is just as Facebook friends or through a phone call or email. It seems we get so busy that it is a struggle to reach out to others. In a recent program I held up a book that I had read and liked and told the audience how I had looked up the author and called her to tell her how much I had enjoyed her book. We had a wonderful conversation and I learned a little bit more about the topic firsthand. I asked if anyone else had ever sought out an author to thank them for their book. Not one hand went up. Not one. I was surprised as I have developed some wonderful friendships over the years by doing this.

  We are wired to be social and connect with others. When our busy-ness gets in the way of this, we can easily feel overwhelmed. We need to restore ourselves and one way to do this is by being with others we enjoy. Whether it is family, friends, colleagues or admired authors, we feel good when we make time to spend together. When distance separates us, we can now call, skype, Facetime, hangout, post, tweet, snapchat and, dare I say, even write a letter! No matter how you do it, just be sure to take a moment or two and reach out. It will not only make that person’s day, it will make yours as well.


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