There's More To It... Advance Funeral Planning

Christopher Kuhnen Bio

Christopher Kuhnen's blog

Planning Ahead

Posted by Christopher Kuhnen on October 1, 2016

  I have known Dr. Joe Marsaglia, Jr. for many, many years. In my option he is one of the true commutate professionals in the funeral service field. For several years I was fortunate enough to be asked to come and speak with his students on the subject of funeral pre-planning. I asked him to share his thoughts with you in this month’s column. He would love to hear what you have to share. You can contact Joe directly at


  Despite the ongoing increase in cremation and funeral director’s sensitivity to such, one thing that remains unchanged is our devotion and responsibility to care for the dead. Whether a person is cremated or buried, funeral service will continue to be a vital part of our society. As such, preparing for the inevitable (death) should also be a consideration for consumers.

  It is common for most people to plan for certain events; vacation, parenthood, new house, weddings, etc. However, planning for one’s funeral still remains taboo. Through education, marketing, and reputable companies, the public can be well informed of their options in planning their final disposition.

  In that the baby-boomer generation is diminishing, a new generation of “millennials” are not going to be too concerned with planning their final dispositions; however, they are wise purchasers of products and services. The younger millennials may be a little hesitant in considering preplanning and pre-paying their funerals, but they are more heedful in spending their money wisely; even for their own final disposition.

  There will always be a need for a profession to care for the dead. Since the beginning of time, man has always cared for and buried its dead with dignity and care; and there will continue to be a need for a professional group of people to upkeep this service to society. Students in mortuary programs throughout the country are the future of this enduring profession. By working together, Life Insurance companies and funeral directors can educate the consumer in making accurate decisions in planning the inevitable. Our profession has never been in better hands.


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