Designing Woman

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May I Quote You On That?

Posted by MaryAnne Scheuble on September 1, 2016

  We have all seen pithy or amusing quotes artistically emblazoned on small signs, walls or the internet. “A Messy House is a Happy House,” “We Become What We Think,” and the Serenity Prayer cause us to pause and smile.

  When my son was in high school, he was blessed to have to have two teachers who were not only interested in him but also inspired him to greatness. One was a rough-around-the-edges football coach who taught ‘his men’ to be a cohesive, supportive team, to play fair, to lead honorable lives. He gave them words to commit to memory so to inspire good actions. The other, a humble history teacher, tested their abilities by having them memorize quotes. Daily, he challenged the students to assess how those quotes fit in the long view of history. My brawny 18-year-old “fighting machine” found knowledge and inspiration in words. Most importantly, this young man discovered reasons to pause and reflect on “artful phrasing.”

  This got me thinking – we all have some quote or mantra or phrase that runs through our heads and motivates us to action or has subtly set a course for our thoughts. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever,” penned by poet John Keats, speaks to my soul and reminds me to take “mental vacations” from daily concerns so to appreciate the beauty surrounding us. Beauty brings comfort, order and quiet happiness even in the midst of any crisis. For me, the discovery of an intricately woven fabric, a lush water feature, well-finished woodwork or a panoramic outdoor view often results in my taking a quick “mental vacation” – and it usually ends in smile.

  While others may see just a chair, I see a well-done design that supports, comforts and invites. I see fabric that makes me smile because of a mix of colors that I might not have considered. I see the time it took a worker’s hands to proudly construct the chair. So, I see the long view of design become reality.

  When I mention these things to friends, they shoot me a tolerant smile. Of course, they don’t have the same knowledge of construction/color/design. So, when I launch into a tutorial, they begin to understand the nuances and can enjoy a glimpse of the beauty I see.

  All this brings me to share my favorite design quotes.

  “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Pablo Picasso, painter

  Decorate to welcome and to bring peace and comfort. Specific frame styles and colors affect mood. Georgian elegance honors families with beautiful decor and subtly reminds us to be on good behavior. Contemporary décor creates a more relaxed, open environment where people may be able to express emotions more easily.

  “Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.” Twyla Tharp, dancer

  Wherever we are, what we see can be a welcome distraction. We can truly get lost in a painting or photograph or gorgeous sunset. When some call accessories “clutter,” I call them “beautiful distractions.”

  “Art is not what you see but what you make others see.” Edgar Degas, painter

  This needs no explanation. Funeral directors perform amazing acts of art every day.

  “Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.” Claude Monet, painter

  Every designer and all who work with color can relate to this!

  “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” Thomas Merton, philosopher/theologian

  “What art offers is space – a certain breathing room for the spirit.” John Updike, novelist

  These quotes provide valid reasons for thoughtful, attractive decorating and design. In the midst of grief we wish to lose ourselves, our pain, our sorrow. Beauty provides an escape or short path away from reality. Comfort others with beauty.

  It is also important to share words that inspire or relate to what you think or do. It might be the inspiration another needs to hear.

  Blessed with a good sense of humor, my absolute favorite quote related to art and design is the simple one below.

  With so many cost-effective resources available, there’s no reason for any place to look “eh.” And you can quote me on that!


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