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Your Sales Mantra

Posted by Nancy Weil on August 1, 2016

  The phone conversation started with an inquiry about helping a cemetery begin an aftercare program. The caller reminded me that we had met several years ago when I spoke at their state cemetery conference. At that time she was just starting in her sales position and now reported that she was their sales manager. Then she told me something that surprised me. It was a conversation we had shared that I did not remember, yet it had made all of the difference in her life. “Nancy, you gave me a piece of advice,” she recalled, “that no one had told me. Following your advice has made me so much money.” I was curious what I had said that was of so much value. She told me that I had said, “Speak from your heart.” That was it. This simple piece of wisdom, that seems so obvious, was what made the difference in her career.

  Many sales professionals are trained in sales techniques, phone call scripts, upselling, etc. Yet it is only when you show that you care, that you can make that connection and establish trust. I am not advocating feigning empathy, I am stating emphatically that you cannot fake authenticity. To be in this business, means that you truly care about what the person is going through and have an honest desire to help.

  I have found that this is so much more than a job to me, it is a mission. I often refer to it as my “end of life ministry” position. I have been called to help others in such a meaningful way and each of you reading this article have been too. When we connect with people through our heart, they are much more likely to follow our advice and rely upon us to guide them. We can help them avoid making decisions that they will later regret. We can help them navigate family dynamics, begin their adjustment to life without their loved one, provide hope and help. To do less is to do a disservice to that family. To do more, well, that is what we should strive for 100% of the time.

  Go beyond their expectations and you will have a loyal customer who will gladly refer their family and friends to you. It doesn’t take a lot to “wow” them. I recently officiated at a funeral service where I provided very little personalization as the deceased had been out of contact with the family for years. One person spoke and shared memories of his brother, I played some music they had selected and I offered a rather basic service. I offered suggestions ahead of time of how they could personalize the urn with family photos, bring a picture or create a photo board, bring flowers or other mementos to decorate the altar. I then spoke from my heart and met them where they were at in their grief. I showed that I truly cared about their loss. It must have made an impact for their thank you note referenced that more than one person at the service thought that I must have known their brother, as the service was so personal! I cared and that is what showed.

  The familiar quote, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care,” is true. Make this your #1 sales mantra and you will be successful.


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