Aspects of Applied Embalming Theory

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Understanding Basic Sanitation and Embalming Practices (Part 21)

Posted by John A. Chew on June 1, 2016

Etiology of Disease and the Practitioner: Various Different Microorganisms (Continued)

  Terminal treatment following arterial and cavity treatment begins with overall observation of the remains.

  Starting with the head, the scalp is carefully checked for normal dry scaly material or seborrheic dermatitis. Prior to the embalming process, the use of a clear wetting agent or solvent should be massaged into the scalp and allowed to remain throughout the embalming process. Check the eyebrows and supercilium transverse elevation at the junction of the forehead and upper eyelid. The origin of the supercilia growing on this location is referred to as the superciliary arch. There are many forms of the eyebrows which are determined by the underlying boney structure and, if available, obtain a photograph.

  The usually hairless area between the superciliary arches, the glabella, is a smooth elevation of bone superior to the nasal bones which create the root of the nose. The distance between the glabella and the nasal spine is the only fixed factor in basic facial measurement. For instance, this measurement would provide a starting point for determining the hairline when restoring a traumatic head injury or surgical procedure. The most common use would be the positioning of the jaw and mouth. The face is measured from the natural hairline to the base of the chin. The area between the hairline on the middle of the head and the inferior portion of the chin is divided into three equal parts. The lower third is also divided into three equal parts. This begins at the nasal spine (columna nasi) to the incisive fossa (labiodental sulcus). Use a parallel line to divide the area into the line of closure of the two lips. Simply, this line of closure is halfway between the base of the nose and the chin.

  Each individual body is variable when it comes to natural features. There is a time when a person resembles a member of the family during a specific age span. In addition to the aforementioned classic proportions, there are three basic measurements from the hairline (variable factor) to the base of the nose. These are from one external ear canal (auditory meatus) to the other, from the width of the face between parietal eminences and the width of the skull (head), from the eyebrow to the base of the chin and from the auditory meatus to the tip of the nose. The anatomical margins of the orbital cavity are created by the frontal bone, the zygomatic and the maxilla. In the event of a traumatic injury, the orbital cavity must be redefined prior to eye reconstruction and closure. The line of closure is created at the lower third eye socket there the upper eyelid abuts with the lower eyelid.

  Excessive wrinkles should be removed taking care not to remove normal natural wrinkles. This is done by coating the internal and external eyelid with massage cream and teasing the wrinkles upward into the supraorbital area. If edema exists, an electric tissue dryer may be used to reduce the moisture content in the eyelid.

  There are three features that are associated with the middle third of the face. They are the eye socket, nasal cavity (nose) and the auditory canal (meatus ear). The middle third of the face depicts the approximate length of the ear and nose. This varies due to individual features. Moving inferior from the nasal spine of the maxilla to the chin, we find the line of closure of the lips. When establishing the mouth, there are many uncertainties, for example: gender, age and race.

  There are other equivalent measurements such as the distance between the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger which is approximately the length of the ear and nose. Basic application of the aforementioned will provide a working methodology for creating a natural form in the features for the presentation of the body.

  Article 22 will review the lower third of the face and the various forms of the head and features which identify each individual person.


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