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Posted by Kristan Dean on June 1, 2016

  Three weeks ago on April 24, 2016 John William Mooney Jr. my Dad, our family’s Superman and the author of “Merry Christmas From Heaven” died. Today I am writing about Father’s day in a way I never thought I would. You might think with my Dad gone that I am a daughter without a father. That will never be true.

  I am a daughter of Superman. The man who will forever be in love with his wife, our Mom and Grams, Jean Mooney. The Dad and Pups who taught us that no matter what, we can count on him. He will love us through every challenge and help us see that our mistakes can only help us grow when we own them. Can you guess my Dad’s first super power? You’re right: my Dad’s first super power is unconditional love.

  When medicine could not save him he did not run from the fight. He had been there before – heart attacks, cancer, fluid actively entering his lungs, he beat them all. You might say that our Superman’s will to live went beyond measure and you would be heading in the right direction. For now let’s just say that strength is another one of my Dad’s superpowers and agree that it is more than physical.

  For me my Dad’s super human strength comes from faith. You may be saying strength “comes from faith” shouldn’t that read “came from faith?” I get where you are coming from and ask you to please bear with me, as I explain why my Dad’s strength can never be past tense. First I am not talking about faith that comes from believing. My dad’s faith in himself, his family, and above all in God goes beyond believing.

  When he was alive, his strength came from knowing that the Creator of All never forsakes us. God carries us during our worst times and brings us home to make us whole when we die. You might say my Dad’s super human strength came from knowing life does not end at death. I ask you how can he have less strength now that he is living with God?

  You might also be asking is faith a super power? For me, the answer is yes, because my Dad’s greatest power lies in how he continues to help us realize that love does not end with our last heartbeat. This is why I know he will forever be my Dad, and though I may not be able to see him, I have faith that I will always be able to lean on him. My Dad is a part of our lives. From the sun he brings out of the clouds for my mom, his visit during my meditation, helping my sister Jennifer’s beautiful spirit shine in our darkest moments, the poems he brings to my sister Elizabeth’s dreams, and the gift of voice he gives to my sister Jax I know God is helping my Dad love us.

  As difficult as this Father’s Day is going to be for us, I am beyond grateful that our dad knew in life and knows in eternal life that he is our Superman. I pray you will tell your dad, wherever he may be, all the reasons you love him this Father’s Day and thank you for letting me share some of the many reasons I am beyond grateful to have the most perfect forever Dad for me. We love you Super Man!!!


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