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Benefits of Community Organization Involvement

Posted by Christopher Kuhnen on June 1, 2016

  Given the number of responsibilities that pre-need sales professionals juggle on any given day, joining (and being active in) a community group, civic club or organization may not be one of your top priorities. After all, what pre-need salesperson has the time to devote to attending meetings, fundraisers, etc.? You have people to meet and sales to make. These are exactly the reasons you should join.

  I can’t begin to adequately share how many invaluable contacts I’ve made over the years; thanks to my involvement in such activities. As an example, during my time in Toastmasters International, I gained a wealth of useful soft skill sets, knowledge and hands-on experience that helped me become considerably more successful in my pre-need career. I highly recommend active membership in this specific group to all my readers.

  Although every group, club or organization has its own unique advantages, most offer some or all of the following basic benefits:

     Exclusive online resources - The websites of many groups have “members-only” sections that provide access to a variety of databases and message boards. Some feature content on a variety of topics, such as advancing your career or boosting your technology expertise.

     Networking opportunities - When you join, you’ll deepen existing relationships and make new acquaintances on a regular basis. Such networking goes beyond the exchange of business cards – as you attend periodic meetings, become active on committees or take a prominent leadership role, you’ll forge lasting ties with others. These relationships will be a rich, ongoing source of inspiration, friendship, motivation and ideas.

     Free or discounted publications - Membership in many groups includes a free subscription to the organization’s magazine or newsletter. These subscriptions are not all propaganda and advertising. Many contain articles and columns that will help you enhance your interpersonal – soft skills abilities.

     Conferences and seminars - Members are often given priority registration for their organization’s convention and may receive discounts on conference fees or special rates on related expenses, such as hotel reservations and car rentals.

     Support systems - Members can often take advantage of formal coaching or mentoring relationships with more experienced business people who provide guidance and useful insights. Even on an informal basis, such relationships can be a source of answers and solutions when you’re facing a challenging situation.

     Opportunities to develop one's leadership skills - As an individual, you may not have the time or resources to participate in community activities. But if your professional organization is active in civic and philanthropic ventures, you can become involved in many worthwhile projects. The connections you’ll make represent an outstanding return on what amounts to a modest, manageable investment of time, money and effort. It could turn out to be one of the best things you could do for yourself and your career.


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