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State Convention Season is Here

Posted by Christopher Kuhnen on May 1, 2016

  The 2016 Funeral Director State Association convention season is in full swing. I have already attended the ICCFA National Convention in New Orleans and had the chance to catch up with several old friends and make many new ones. I can report to you that the world of pre-need is alive and well across the country. More and more families are choosing to plan their final remembrance services ahead of time. The pre-need representatives I spoke with told me they are experiencing their best sales year in many years. The economy is slowly picking up a little steam and with it people are loosening their pocketbooks.

  I always enjoy the convention season because I get to meet so many new people, and I would really like to hear from you. What questions do you have regarding your pre-need program? I will be attending state conventions in Ohio, North Carolina, Tennessee, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. Look for me walking the convention floor. I will be the portly gentleman with glasses, wearing an American flag and unity lapel pin on my blue sport jacket. I’m not hard to miss, I assure you. Stop me and introduce yourself. I would love to meet you!

  Additionally, don’t forget I easily make available the World’s Perfect First Call Sheet notepads. The early reviews on these notepads have been fantastic. I have already mailed out hundreds of notepads so far this year. I still have plenty more to give away. See me at the state conventions I will be attending, or e-mail me at and request your free samples. When you e-mail, provide your full name, funeral home/mortuary, mailing address, business telephone, and e-mail address.

  Historically, the second quarter of the year is very strong for pre-need sales. Now is the time to be reaching out to those you have not spoken with in some time and catch-up. Have any old direct mail leads stuck away in a drawer? Bring them out and call all those people who did not contact you when the mail was initially sent out. If they have not already prearranged their services, then they need to talk with you. If your pre-need sales started off slow this year, now is the time to turn them around.

    Look for me out and about on the convention trail. I look forward to meeting and chatting with you!


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