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Posted by Kristan Dean on May 1, 2016

  When you think of May and June what comes to mind? Are you thinking about beautiful weather, upcoming weddings and graduations? These may be in your thoughts, but I bet the first three dates that come to your mind are: May 8th, May 30th, and June 19th. Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, and Father’s Day, three days when we will honor our moms, soldiers who give their lives for our country, and dads.

  We are not alone. Though we may do it at different times of year, people all across the world take time to celebrate their moms, dads, and the soldiers who give their lives for their countries. Why do we do this? Strange question, we all know why.

  Without our parents we would not be the people we are. The gifts our moms and dads give and the sacrifices they make are the building blocks that form the foundation of who we are. There is an esoteric philosophy that says you choose your name and your family and with these you choose your destiny. Like all philosophy this may or not feel true to you.

  Still when you think of who you are today I pray that you feel the love, faith, and hope of your mom and dad beating in your heart. That you hear their guidance in every great decision you make and when you hit those dark moments I pray that knowing how much your mom and dad believe in you gives you the strength to find the gift in every challenge. I pray, like me, that on May 8th and June 19th you are celebrating with a mom and dad that are the reason you are the person you are today. This Mother’s Day and Father’s Day I hope wherever you are that you find new ways to express how much your mom’s and dad’s gifts and sacrifices mean to you.

  Without our soldiers our country would not be free. The gifts they bring to our military are part of the building blocks of our country. The sacrifices they make to serve are immeasurable. Their loyalty to our nation is boundless. This Memorial Day I pray that you will renew your efforts to say thank you to the heroes in your community that have given their lives for our freedom. Thank their mothers and fathers because their gifts and sacrifices are the foundation of one of our nation’s heroes.

  For all of you who are honoring your own soldier this Memorial Day, please know “Thank You” is not enough. Your love for your soldier is part of the reason they were able to answer their call. Your gifts and your sacrifice are part of what we will all be honoring this Memorial Day, Thank you!

  This Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, and Father’s Day I pray you will find new ways to express how grateful you are for the gifts and sacrifices that make you who you are and our nation what it is. Let your mom, dad, and our fallen soldiers inspire you to become even more than you are today!


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