Designing Woman

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Add Shine with Glass and Mirrors. Go Big!

Posted by MaryAnne Scheuble on April 1, 2016

  Twice a year as a community service, but also to bring people into her beautiful interior design shop, my friend Nancy would invite visitors to her two-part design class. In the first complimentary session, four color vignettes were featured showing traditional, contemporary, eclectic and vintage styles. Nancy did a tutorial on the different themes and colors, helping guests identify their style. She then passed around swatches of wonderful fabrics and sent us home with an assignment to create a floor plan with a ‘wish list’. How fun!

  For the second session, she appeared wearing a little black dress and black shoes – very stark! It was startling to see this wonderfully creative person with an expansive personality in this gorgeous design studio looking so plain and dull.

  A whisper went through the crowd suggesting that she had rushed to work and forgot to ‘dress’. Instead of apologizing for her plain appearance, Nancy began to transform right before our eyes. Earrings were added; a chunky bronze necklace appeared; black shoes were exchanged for animal print heels. A scarf, bracelets and lipstick completed her ‘new’ look. Her message was that the basic furnishings or ‘bones’ were important but that accessories really complete the look.

  My boss, Jim, and his wife, Erin, just re-decorated their house with sleek furniture in neutral colors. His goal was ‘comfort’ so his interest was the furniture; Erin’s focus was on comfort and style. Jim travels a lot and recognizes that high-end spaces found in hotels, medical offices, casinos, and restaurants use accessories to enhance the decor. Erin searched for accessories then took time to arrange them. Jim sees little need for accessories other than lamps but agrees that the rooms ‘feel’ better. Best of all, he sees how happy the decor makes Erin feel. Smart man!

  Accessories are the jewelry of interior design. They add personality; they dispel starkness; they comfort; they bring a sense of peace, joy and wholeness; and can serve as a point of focus.

  Accessories encompass a huge range of items including anything placed on walls, tables, floors or ceilings. For a new facility, dedicate 25 percent of your budget for accessories. Attractive lamps, pictures, mirrors, rugs and greenery can be pricey but the expense is valid. They add ‘punch’, ‘welcome’ and soothing comfort to a stark facility. They will make the difference and will keep your facility fashionably memorable.

 Accessory suggestions:

         Position mirrors to reflect light, visitors or beautiful decor. Note: curio cabinets have mirrors.

         Dramatic chandeliers can be focal points in small or large spaces. Make sure proportion works with ceiling height. There are beautiful, wide, ceiling-hugging light fixtures, too.

         Use wall shelves to create architectural features in a bland room. Artwork, books, or car model collections can be displayed - safe from small, grasping hands.

         Replace dated area rugs. Don’t re-decorate around a 10 year old area rug unless it is a classic style. Be mindful that colors and designs do change.

         Plants and silk greenery add comfort and softness to any décor.

         For interest, use the following elements in every design: metal, wood, glass, and ceramic, something black. Examples: metal/ceramic lamps, wood picture frames, glass vase, black fireplace screen

  Just as you, hopefully, don’t wear the same tie or shoes every day, accessories should change over time. Think about it. Shoes that were in style 20 years ago are not in style now. Tie width has changed, too. The same is true with accessories. Current lamp styles may be taller or shorter than ones purchased 20 or 40 years ago. Some accessories are classic but most are not. Dated accessories actually damage the ‘look’. They (as well as dated furnishings) will visually influence visitors that the facility and business owner may be ‘behind the times’.

  As you enter common spaces in any building, make it a point to notice the accessories. Some are subtle, some are dramatic but all accessories should work together for effective interior design. To liken it to writing, accessories are the punctuation to your message. Your memorable business message should be evident from well-designed surroundings.


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