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2016 Direct Mail Trends

Posted by Christopher Kuhnen on April 1, 2016

  There isn’t a month that goes by that I’m not asked a question about the use of direct mail to gain pre-need sales leads. I have written on this topic extensively throughout the years. However, I recently read an article by Terri Becknell, Account Representative, Multi-Craft–Ideas in Motion, Newport, KY.

  I thought the article made some very good points that I wanted to share with you. Have questions for Terri? She can be reached at This article is reprinted with the permission of Multi-Craft.


   No, direct mail is not dead. It is alive and well with direct mail being the largest single direct marketing expense today. However, we believe that no channel should stand alone and direct mail is no exception. Any channel will usually fare far better when it is integrated with other channels – offline/online. Here are the top trends for direct mail for 2016:

1.      More Competition–This year is an election year, so your direct mail pieces will have more competition in the mail box from the political mailers. In addition, the dollar is stronger so expect to see more direct mail related to travel.

2.      Mobile–With more than 2 billion people owning Smartphones, mobile integration is vital. Consider using QR codes and Augmented Reality to get the attention of your target. QR codes and Augmented Reality are an easy way to drive offline traffic online.

3.      Personalization–Digital printing makes variable data print possible. Personalize your direct mail pieces with not just personalized text, but colors, photos and graphics that your target finds important and attractive.

4.      Integration–While you can support your mobile marketing efforts through the use of QR codes and Augmented Reality, don’t forget your other channels! Email and direct mail work extremely well together, driving a higher response rate than either alone will produce. Also, consider personalized URLs as a way to integrate offline with online marketing.

   Here are some additional statistics that may help you see the value that direct mail can bring to your marketing efforts: 51percent of consumers prefer direct mail from local shops and banks (CMO Council); 79 percent of consumers act on direct mail immediately, as compared to the 45 percent who state they act on e-mail immediately. And, we know what happens once an email gets buried in our inboxes; if your target is the 45-54 year old, this is the generation most likely to respond to direct mail; 74 percent of B2B marketers believe that direct mail is very effective; oversized envelopes, followed closely by postcards are the two direct mail formats most preferred; and higher response rates – The Direct Marketing Association Response Rate Report shows that direct mail drives a higher response rate than ALL digital channels combined by nearly 600 percent.

   Here is the breakdown:

         Direct mail – 3.7 percent average response rate from a house list and 1 percent from a prospect list.

         All other digital channels combined (mobile, email, social, paid search and display advertising) .62 percent. What does this mean in cost per acquisition?

  Take a look!

         Direct Mail, $19

         Mobile and Social, $16-18

         Internet Display Ad, $41-50

         Paid Search, $21-30

         Email, $11-15

  So, when finalizing your marketing efforts, don’t discount the value that direct mail can play.


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