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How Preneed Has Changed

Posted by Christopher Kuhnen on September 1, 2013

This month I asked Mrs. Diana Greenspan, Regional Manager with Capstone PreNeed Funding Solutions, LLC to share her thoughts about how the preneed profession has changed. I initially met Diana this past spring at the Ohio Funeral Directors Association annual convention. I found her to be industry savvy and have a pronounced insight into the future of preneed. Have a question or comment for Diana? You can reach her at (330) 328-8099 or


  It was an age of innocence that we thought would never end! Then the American economic recession hit and all bets were off.

  How ironic is it that most people believe that because we are in the death industry, we are in a recession proof business. Reality is that most of us work twice as hard for much less pay.

  Can we really do anything to alter this new normal? I believe we can, but we all have to take a step back and reinvent our thought process. Fifteen years ago, it was easy and we got complacent.

  It’s 2013 and the families you always considered “your families” are just as likely to go down the street to your competitor for a $200.00 difference. Sadly, loyalty, as we knew it then, has gone the way of public payphones.

  Cremation is here to stay. Funeral directors have done such a remarkable job of accommodating families and level setting their expectations that this has evolved into “the new normal tradition”.

  I believe it’s in the best interest of the family, and the funeral director, if a family has made their decisions ahead of time, rather on the worst day of their life. For the family, unless it is an imminent situation, promoting a simple and upbeat process can make all the difference in the world. I always advise the family to do something fun the day they preplan, even if it is as simple as going to lunch or visiting a friend. They will have a pleasant moment to remember this day and it usually leads to the family feeling positive about the experience.

  The funeral preplanning conference is the best time to address any money issues. The at-need conference makes this type of a sensitive discussion extremely awkward for all parties. The pre-need conference affords the family the time they need to “really consider” all their financial matters. This includes how best to pay for the full funeral services they would “truly like to have”; rather than just be barely able to afford. Statistics show that approximately 46.2 million people in America are living at and/or below the poverty line. Funeral pre-need payment options offer everyone in society, the opportunity to secure the full range of funeral services and merchandise they want, but might otherwise not be able to afford.

  For funeral homes that use the services of a dedicated pre-need marketing company, make sure and annually compare your current company against all other like companies. Things to review include current growth, in-force growth, sales and marketing programs and overall range of services provided. Remember very few use only one product, funeral trust or pre-need insurance company today.

  As Michael Jackson once said; “And that’s what innocence is. It’s simple and trusting like a child, not judgmental and committed to one narrow point of view. If you are locked into a pattern of thinking and responding, your creativity gets blocked. You miss the freshness and magic of the moment. Learn to be innocent again, and that freshness never fades.”


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