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Create a Death Care Industry A Team for Work Environment Success

Posted by Jim Starks on February 1, 2016

  It’s time to stop thinking of the A Team as a 1980s television show starring George Peppard, Dwight Schultz, Mr. T and Dirk Benedict – or the 2010 movie remake starring Liam Neeson and Bradley Cooper!

  While veterans framed for a crime they didn’t commit and helping the innocent while on the run from the military is an engaging plot, today’s relevant A Team is management and employees who are willing to help consumers and assist other team members. And to achieve this type of work environment certain characteristics are a must in your developing A Team:



  Staff accountability is one necessary component to develop an A Team. Staff members must be obligated and receptive to report, explain, and answer to the firm they work for and the consumers they serve. When staff is accountable, management spends less time overseeing and more time tackling important issues. Management’s job is to ensure employees work accordingly but not to babysit, and accountability ensures babysitting is unnecessary to efficient and careful workflow.



  Staff members must have ambition to perform the job and to perform it well. When that ambition extends beyond basic requirements it motivates others to do their best as well. Ambition propels motivation. Conversely, when “that’s not my job” conversations take over, motivation dwindles, a phenomenon of complaining rather than doing perpetuates the environment, and the firm loses money. Employees must be ready to accept responsibility rather than shrug it off as something outside their job description.



  Employees should be approachable and easily communicate with other employees and consumers. Non-confrontational mannerisms are essential. And this trait also promotes open-mindedness and willingness to consider and accommodate suggestions and improvements. Admitting and correcting mistakes becomes easier and a learning process, rather than a blame game. A team of approachable and friendly employees is more likely to help each other, preventing mistakes and remedying gaps in procedures.



  Pleasant, easy-to-approach and talk to, friendly, polite and cordial employees improve the overall atmosphere. Exhibiting a warm and friendly disposition while working with consumers makes difficult issues much easier for all people involved. The death care industry is a scary place for many consumers, and employees’ kindness drastically changes the experience for families served. This personal touch leaves a lasting impression on every person who walks through the door.

  Anyone would be hard pressed to find a complete staff with all these qualities in their employees. But we must still strive to find employees with these traits. In a service profession, we all must strive to be the best we can to assist the families that have requested our services. When you have built your A Team it will be evident in all areas, including employee retention, market share and the bottom line.


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