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Next Time Try Texting

Posted by Christopher Kuhnen on February 1, 2016

  This past Christmas, I went car shopping. My car was over 12 years old and beginning to break down on a regular basis. After one too many trips to the repair shop, I finally decided to bite the bullet and purchase a new car. That experience opened my eyes, in a big way, in regards to the value of using text messages to build relationships and trust with your clients.

  The specific features I desired on my new car were not on any of the cars located on the auto dealer’s lot. Therefore, the dealer needed to undertake a regional search to locate the vehicle I desired or order it made from the factory. Either way, I imagined that process would take a fair amount of time. I also suspected it would be some time before I heard anything from my car salesman. To my pleasant surprise this was not the case.

  Before I left the dealership, my salesman asked me for my cell telephone number. He said he wanted it so he could send me text messages updating me on the progress they were having locating my vehicle. After providing him my number and watching him enter it directly into his telephone, he then said, “Before you go, let me send you a short message to make sure I can reach you alright.” He then proceeded to type out a message and hit send. Within seconds my telephone was beeping with the alert that I had received a text message. When I opened it up, it was a picture of a smiling emoji with the words “Thank You for Your Faith and Trust in Me” signed by my auto salesman. Very nice!

  Later that same day, my salesman again texted, letting me know that he and his sales manager were diligently searching for my new car and expected to locate it soon.

  The following day, I received two more text messages providing me an update on their search efforts. This text message communication continued for two more days, until he finally told me they had located my exact car and were dispatching a team to go pick it up and bring it back to the dealership.

  When it arrived at the dealership he texted me that it had arrived and they there were beginning to look it over carefully and then start cleaning it up to ensure it was pristine when I came to pick it up.

  He stayed in daily contact with me with short and precise updates on the progress being made in fulfilling my order. This communication made me feel like I was the single most important customer in the world. I was not forgotten. They valued my business. They valued me. They wanted to ensure my complete satisfaction. They didn’t disrupt my day by calling me on my cellphone (which they could easily have done) or sending me an e-mail. They chose text messaging to ensure that wherever I was, they would reach and communicate with me on my terms and timetable.

  Have you ever had to communicate with a family you were serving on pre-need or at-need basis, after your initial meeting? Promising them you’d get back to them with such and such information they requested. If so, why not provide them a brief text message update. It’s a simple and timely way to communicate. It also makes people feel like they are not forgotten and they are the most important clients you have to serve. Try it and let me know how it works for you.



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