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Can You Come Out to Play?

Posted by Nancy Weil on January 1, 2016

  As the year begins, we re-evaluate our lives, make resolutions to focus on and vow to end the year in a better place than where we started it. There is one item likely to be missing on your New Year’s Resolution list: Go Out and Play. While we may take our work seriously, we need to take our lives lightly. The burnout, stress and compassion fatigue can become overwhelming, especially when we don’t have time for fun. Within each of us is a little child that just wants to play. It is the aspect of our personality that remains from our childhood that wants to be heard, assured and nurtured. During our busy “adult” lives, we shut this part of ourselves down and fill our days with “important” matters and ignore the cries of our child that reminds us that play is important, too. The saying, “We don’t forget to play because we grow old; we grow old because we forget how to play” is true.

  Make a commitment to an Inner Child Outing each week and you will be amazed at the impact it has on your life. Do not confuse how your “adult” self defines fun and what your “child” sees as a fun activity. They are very different. Dinner with a friend = adult fun. Adult coloring book = adult fun. Gym, golf or fitness activities = most likely adult fun. Your child wants to “play for no reason.” When you are on an Inner Child Outing you will laugh deeply and feel light and worry-free.

  Begin to make a list of activities you can do, or better yet, just start doing them. If you have young children or grandchildren, they will show you how to occupy your time with play for children do this naturally. You can think back to your childhood and recall what you liked to do and start to do it again. Jacks, going to the playground, pick-up basketball games are all examples of inner child fun.

  Here are some of the things I have done for my Inner Child:

   Carpet Picnic – throw a blanket on the floor and have an indoor picnic dinner

   Chuck E. Cheese – play games for one token each, cash in your tickets for a toy and catch the “show”

   Sculpt a masterpiece with modeling clay

   Have a family game night

   Go to an Improv Comedy Club or better yet, sign up for classes!

   Wear a costume or get a temporary tattoo

   Bite the heads off of some animal crackers, lick out the inner filling of an Oreo cookie or enjoy another childhood snack

  It doesn’t have to cost money, it doesn’t have to take too much time, but it does have to be something you enjoy. By making this one commitment in 2016, you will find your stress dropping, your joy increasing and your ability to “find the fun” heighten. Everyone wants permission to play and this is my invitation to you to stress less, laugh more, play often and live life joyfully.


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