There's More To It... Advance Funeral Planning

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The “Perfect” First Call Information Sheet Is Here

Posted by Christopher Kuhnen on January 1, 2016

  In September 2015, I put forth the idea of creating the funeral service profession’s “perfect” First Call Information Sheet.

  The time honored Funeral First Call Information Sheet has several important purposes. First, to ensure all pertinent information is captured from the caller who initially reports the death to the funeral home/mortuary and second, to protect the profession and the funeral home.

  In the thirty years I have been engaged in the funeral service profession, the First Call Sheet has been a staple at every funeral home I was privileged to serve. Some First Call Sheets were better than others. Most gathered the most basic of information, while others were much more detailed. No two First Call Sheets were exactly the same.  First Call Sheets were easy to come by. They were freely handed out at almost all state and national funeral association conventions by many industry vendors. Casket and vault companies, chemical companies, funeral supply, and insurance companies all had them as exhibit booth promotional handouts. That led me to propose to my readers that we work together and create the industry’s “Perfect” First Call Information Sheet. That work is now completed.

  Hundreds of funeral directors across America responded to my call and offered wonderful suggestions and ideas on what information needs to be captured on a First Call Sheet. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond!

  I took all that information and, with the assistance of Unity Financial Life Insurance, created and had printed thousands of brand new First Call Sheets. The sheets were printed in pad form and hundreds of pads were printed. They are now freely available to anyone who wants to utilize them. All you need to do is ask and I will see to it that you receive as many of the world’s “perfect” First Call Sheet pads as you desire. All free and without any strings attached.

  To place your request, simply e-mail me your complete name, funeral home name, mailing address, business and cellphone number, and e-mail address at:


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