There's More To It... Advance Funeral Planning

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Time to Get Ready For a New Year

Posted by Christopher Kuhnen on December 1, 2015

  It seems like just yesterday, I was composing my January 2015 column. Now, here we are in December, getting ready to enter a New Year. Where did the year go?

  How did your pre-need program do in 2015? Did you reach your intended sales goal? Did you get the opportunity to “tell your story” in front of as many people as you’d like? Were you able to secure “new” families to your funeral home through prearrangement? How many full services vs. cremation funeral services did you prearrange? Are your pre-need casket and outer burial container sales averages equal to and/or better than your at-need sales averages? How did your pre-need marketing initiatives perform this year? If you had to base the future of your funeral home/mortuary business on how well your pre-need program produced for you this year…how does your future look?

  Now is the precise time to be asking yourself these types of direct questions. Your pre-need program is every bit as important as your at-need business. In fact, today’s pre-need policy becomes tomorrow’s at-need contract.

  As you evaluate your pre-need program, you may discover you could use some additional advanced training and/or support in these specific areas. Seek out those who can offer you the assistance you need to be successful in 2016.

     Sales Appointment Preparation

     Telephone Calling


     Make-up and Orderliness of your Presentation Materials

     Organization and Time Management

     Probing and Questioning Soft Skills

     Sales Closing Skills

     Referral Skills

     Contact Management System

     Sales Lead Generation Programs


  Take the time to review what worked well for you in 2015. Can it be repeated? What didn’t work so well? Can it be changed or should it be discontinued altogether?

  Historically, the months of January, February, and March have proven to be good sales months for pre-need. Take the time now to prepare yourself and your program to hit the ground running on January 2, 2016. It’s a fresh start. Throw off the old and put on the new. Be ready to reach out to people in your community and educate them on the features and benefits of planning ahead.

  I am now taking orders for the world’s “Perfect” First Call Sheet. Thanks to your input and suggestions, our team has put together what we consider the finest First Call Sheets available today. Judge for yourself. They are free for the asking. Just e-mail me at and provide me with your name, funeral home affiliation, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail and I’ll see you receive a complimentary First Call Sheet pad.


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