There's More To It... Advance Funeral Planning

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Who Makes the Best Pre-Need Buyers?

Posted by Christopher Kuhnen on November 4, 2015

  Recently, I was honored to attend a newly developed pre-need sales training class. The class was filled with fresh, bright-eyed men and women eager to learn what it takes to be a successful pre-need sales representative.

  At one point on the first day, one of the students asked, “Who make the best pre-need buyers?” As eager as I was to shout out the answer, I caught myself and let the instructor address the question. “Women make the best pre-need buyers,” she stated. She’s absolutely correct. Women do make the best buyers and here’s why:

·             Women control the world…at least that’s what my wife always tells me.

·             Women are generally less apprehensive and more practical in amenably exploring and discussing the subjects of death and dying. While most men try to avoid the subject at all costs, most women approach it in a more realistic and open manner.

·             Women tend to be more thorough in their buying decisions and do more comparison investigation. While men tend to go with the first thing that “fits the bill,” women are generally selective and look for the best overall value.

·             Women are usually easier to work with and very appreciative of those who take the time to work with them.

·             Women represent 51% of the US population according to the latest US Census Bureau data.

·             In a study by BMO Wealth Institute, 66% of women identified themselves as primary decision-makers over household investible assets.

·             Women are the primary breadwinners in more than 40% of American households according to a 2014 report by the Center for Talent Innovation.

  Given this information, here are some tips on how to best serve the lady of the household.

  Don’t be a salesperson! Don’t talk, or act, or look, or smell like a salesperson. Like the rest of us, women love to buy, but hate to be sold. Present yourself as an authentic, caring individual. High pressure sales will turn women off. Be relaxed, confident (but not arrogant) and easy to talk to.

  Don’t talk at women, talk with them. Generally, women love to engage in free flowing conversation that is not dominated by you. They need to be able to talk all they desire. Ask them plenty of open ended questions to get them talking and keep them talking. The more women talk and share their ideas and feelings and fears with you, the better. They know what they need and will tell you, if you will only listen to what they say and seek to understand their priorities and what they wish to accomplish.

  Seek to meet in a comfortable, relaxing environment. The arrangement office at the funeral home is not necessarily the best place to discuss funeral pre-planning with anyone, let alone women. They generally prefer to discuss the matter in the comfort of their own home or some other outside, relaxing environment.

  Encourage women to invite any of their friends, associates, or relatives on your pre-need presentation appointment. Women tend to appreciate interacting with you surrounded by those they know and trust.

  Women love stories. Explain the value of funeral pre-planning through stories you are personally familiar with. Allow women to share stories of their own.

  Be easy-going. Don’t rush women for a decision. Women, like the rest of us, need time to process their choices and options. Provide them with the information they need and then allow them room to digest it all. Do not bombard women, or anyone, with a bunch of numbers. If they like what they see, they will find the money to pay for it. Cheapest isn’t always what women are searching for. They generally want good value and will gladly spend the price, if they feel what you present meet their needs.

  Encourage women to share their positive experience with you with others. Women refer at a rate two and a half times that of men. Once they like you, get to know you, and trust you, they will want all their friends to know about you as well.

  On another note, I am still taking your suggestions, thoughts, comments and ideas on what needs to be part of the worlds “Perfect First Call Sheet.” Production will start soon to have these sheets created and printed. They will be freely distributed to anyone who would like them. To reserve your First Call Sheet notepads, simply e-mail me at The first call sheets will be ready for distribution after the first of the year.

  Thank you to the hundreds of funeral directors that have offered me their suggestions. I have some really good ideas I will definitely be using.


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