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There’s a Way to Handle Every Challenge

Posted by Nancy Weil on August 1, 2015

  The Dalai Lama said, “If there is no solution to the problem then don't waste time worrying about it. If there is a solution to the problem then don't waste time worrying about it.” Worry is the thief of our well-being, the robber who enters unbidden and takes away our inner peace and joy and purpose and reasons for doing all that we do. Again and again I have worked with clients who have allowed their thoughts to disrupt their day and sometimes their nights. They wake in the middle of the night consumed with fear and worry about situations that may never occur. It is said that FEAR actually stands for: False Evidence Appearing Real.

  Fear does have its place in our lives. It keeps us from running in front of the hearse or operating our crematory unsafely. It reminds us to use caution at all times and to follow OSHA guidelines. It is only when we allow fear to rule that we get into trouble.

  The last two months we have explored some common challenges that professionals in our industry face. Notice that I use the word “challenge” not “problem.” I have found that we view a challenge as something we can overcome or find a solution to. The word “problem” is viewed as if we are a victim and dealing with something that is out of our control. We are powerful professionals capable of resolving any challenge that comes our way, so let’s look at some ways that we can re-frame, re-focus and rescind these worries from our psyches.

  The mirror issues of either too many or not enough customers. Both of these require you to take a look at your business plan and evaluate what steps can be taken to address whichever issue you are facing. Do you need to expand your community outreach? Is your physical location in need of an update? Do you have enough trained staff to handle your calls each week? This is a time to be bold…and honest with yourself. What will it take in order to grow your business to the next level? Are you willing to make those changes, and if so, in what time period can you reasonably expect to make them? With either of these situations, sometimes the best answers come to you when you retreat. Take a day off, take a walk, take a break, take the time and space to look at everything with fresh eyes. It seems oxymoronic to step back in order to move forward, but the most successful know that this is what it takes to get to where you are going.

  Customer expectations that are unrealistic. First determine if their expectations truly are beyond what you can provide. When you exceed the family’s wishes, you become a hero in their eyes. They speak of you for years to come, whenever the subject of funerals comes up in conversation. Your services become the bar upon which all other funerals they attend are judged against. However, there are those people who just cannot be satisfied. They want your full attention with no regard to anyone else’s needs. You must understand that these clients are oftentimes insecure and unsure of what they need to do. Reassure them that you will walk them through the entire process and they will not be left unaware or unprepared. Some are just overbearing and cranky. Reassure them that you are listening to what they want, advise them to what you can do for them and offer them options within your capabilities. You can do no more than your best and for some people that just isn’t enough.

  The dreaded pile of paper. What ever happened to the concept of a paperless society? Computers were supposed to eliminate the need for paper files. Until that day arrives, trees will die as you face the daunting task each day of filling out contracts, death certificates and more. While some things can be moved to your computer, most still need to be printed, mailed or filed. The best way to keep this from becoming overwhelming is to get organized. Re-structure your systems to create forms that auto-fill from one form to the next. Streamline your contracts and other forms you use on a regular basis. Create operating systems that are uniform and easy to teach to others. Relegate some of the filing to other staff, when possible. Most of all make sure you know where you put things. Searching for misplaced paperwork is a huge time suck, so know where everything goes and put it there every time. You are never too busy to do it right the first time, so get your systems set and follow the protocol and at least you will always know where to put your finger on things when you need to refer back to it fast.

  There you have it. Some ideas to get you started on handling challenges, maybe not with ease, but at least to move you from “overwhelmed” to just “whelmed.” September we will cover the final challenges and get you ready to face the Fall with ease and grace and a smile on your face. 


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