There's More To It... Advance Funeral Planning

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Creating “The Perfect” First Call Sheet

Posted by Christopher Kuhnen on August 1, 2015

  My convention season is just about concluded for the year. The last funeral director convention of 2015 I will be attending is the National Funeral Directors Association Annual Convention, October 18-21 in Indianapolis, Indiana. I hope to see you there!

  One thing I noticed this year, at the state conventions I was lucky enough to attend, were the large number of display booth exhibitors, who were freely giving away First Call Sheets.

  Each exhibitor was trying to convince funeral directors their specific First Call Sheet was truly the finest in the land. I decided to pick up a copy of all the First Call Sheets I could lay my hands on and see for myself who had the best. It proved to be more challenging than I originally thought. They were all rather good! Who had the best? Who possessed “the perfect” First Call Sheet?

  As a longtime Funeral Director, I assure you I have utilized my fair share of First Call Sheets over the years. I find them extremely handy and useful especially in the middle of the night when my cell phone goes off and I need to take a death call from the hospital, nursing home, or answering service. First Call Sheets have been a staple in the funeral profession for as long as I can remember. Truth be told, they probably can be traced back to the time of the invention of the telephone. With so much time for improvements, who has the most complete, useful, and downright “perfect” First Call Sheet in funeral service today?

  I believe it has yet to be created. I believe it is still out there. I believe it is locked away in the minds of hundreds of thousands of funeral directors who, if given the opportunity, would come together to offer their advice, experience and thoughts on just exactly what questions, elements, and valuable information needs to be gathered on “the perfect” First Call Sheet.

  That is where YOU come into the picture!

  With your help, input, ideas, thoughts, comments, advice, etc. I would like to attempt to create “the perfect” First Call Sheet. A First Call Sheet to outshine any other available today. A First Call Sheet, which by its very nature, will make your job easier, smoother and more profitable. A First Call Sheet that is eco-friendly in its design, paper and ink elements. A First Call Sheet that any funeral home would be proud to call their own. A First Call Sheet that will literally make you weep with joy. OK… I went a little overboard with that last statement!

  Will you help me create such a marvelous wonder? I’d love to know what you’d like a First Call Sheet to contain: design, size, ink color, feel of the paper, etc.

  E-mail your suggestions, ideas, and comments to me directly at My deadline to hear from you is October 1, 2015. Once I have everyone’s input, I will go to work with my talented design team to create “the perfect” First Call Sheet. The “new” First Call Sheet pads will be unveiled to funeral homes after January 2, 2016. I will have a large supply of them printed over the Christmas holidays. I will gladly give them away to anyone who makes a request. You might as well e-mail me now and ask me to save you a pad or two as they come off the printing press. I’m happy to oblige. Something this good needs to be shared.

  Think of it! “The Perfect” First Call Sheet will be ready for you to start using in just a few short months. Won’t you help create it? E-mail me your ideas right now!


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