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Posted by Kristan Dean on June 1, 2015

  When you hear the word summer what comes to mind? Do you relive memories or are you thinking up new ways to explore and expand your world? Say summer to me and I immediately go to fun. I am a kid on the lake, swimming to the raft, dancing in the Rec hall, and exploring the woods, creeks, and trails around Sanborn Shore Acres in NH. I see my pup Bengamin and I walking the beach, the fun we will have around the fire pit at my parent’s house, and I wonder how many pool parties my sister Jacqui, our niece Lauren, and “our favorite” Jen will make happen this year.

  Put “summer is the season of” into a Google search and the first links will likely take you to all the basic facts. Summer is our hottest season of the year. It brings us our longest days and shortest nights. Scroll down a bit more and the links will likely take you to sites that tell you about all the ways summer helps us take our socializing outdoors and how the heat this season brings can make it difficult, if not dangerous, for our health.

  Keep scrolling and Google will link you to a page that might open your mind to the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine and the innate healing properties that come from the heat element summer brings. Beyond the basic facts Google will invite you to click the link “SUMMER: The Season of Abundance - Five Element Healing.” Here, even before you click the link to find out what five element healing is, stop and let the title remind you that Summer is more than our season of fun.

  Before you click think about all the reasons Summer is the season of abundance and growth. Think about how our gardens over flow with fresh vibrant food and the sun gives us more time to enjoy the day. Before exploring the connection between summer and Chinese medicine let the thought of summer renew your commitment to health. Fill your plate with more fruits and vegetables. Let the longer days of summer inspire you to get yourself, your family, and those you serve outside. This summer promise yourself that you will take off your shoes and ground yourself in the abundance the earth has to offer.

  Then go to http://fiveelementhealing.net/summer-the-season-of-abundance-the-element-of-fire/ and learn how all the innate gifts you know summer can bring connect you with the ancient wisdom of Chinese healing. Open your mind and explore why practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine associate Summer with the element of fire and how the emotion of this element is joy. Ancient wisdom doesn’t lie.

  No matter how we look at it the key to our being able to enjoy all life has to offer is health. This year please let the abundance of summer inspire you to grow in your efforts to bring health to yourself, your families, and all those you serve. I look forward to hearing how you let the fire that burns within you illuminate new ways to nourish yourself and those you love. Please give me a ring at 781-331-5308, email me at Kristan@mooneytunco.com, or even better join the conversation on the Let’s Chat blog at http://www.nomispublications.com/blog.aspx.


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