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Kristan Dean's blog

Posted by Kristan Dean on May 1, 2015

  It is Easter weekend, the first weekend of April, and I have to laugh because I still have snow in my back yard. Turns out Mother Nature really knows how to pull off an April fools prank. I want to write about mother’s day and Memorial Day, but freezing temperatures and winter’s lingering presence here in Massachusetts are doing all they can to block me or are they?

  I smile because I know spring’s beauty is right around the corner and in her own way Mother Nature continues to inspire. Our days are getting sunnier, my pup Bengamin and I are down to just two patches of snow on our favorite walking route, but still it just doesn’t feel like spring. I wonder will Mother Nature bring Spring to New England? Is this the year that April showers forget to bring May flowers? Of course not! The weather will stop having snow in the forecast, our flowers will bloom, the sun will feel warmer, and these last bits of snow will soon be a part of the water that nourishes the earth, but it doesn’t feel that way today.

  Today mother nature is teaching me that I can only imagine how many families in our communities feel like there is no way they will be able to celebrate Mothers day or Memorial Day. It isn’t the weather that is blocking your families from looking forward to these holidays. They are wondering how can I celebrate Mothers Day without my child? How can I tell my mom how much I love her and how much she means to me when she is dead? Why is everyone wishing me a happy Memorial Day when all I want is to see my soldier one more time?

  You have the resources to help your families find a way to celebrate the love they have for their children, moms, and soldiers. You know when grief buries us in pain that love will find a way to mend our hearts. Your families know that you are the one that can help them celebrate life even when or should I say especially when every part of their heart is breaking. This is why they choose you to be their funeral director. It is why your families choose to bury their children, their mothers, and their soldiers in your cemetery. Your ability to help them grow the love that lives in their heart is why they look to you for after care.

  Today I ask you to let Mother Nature inspire you. Let all the ways she renews life on this planet remind you that this is the perfect season to renew your efforts to reach out and help the families you serve. This May reach out to every mom you know that is grieving a child, every person you know that is grieving a mom, and every family you know that is grieving a soldier.

  Remind your families that your kindness, compassion, and abilities are there for them beyond the funeral. Reach out to the mothers you serve and help them celebrate the love that makes them forever their child’s mom. Help the families who are grieving their mom celebrate the love they have for her. Let those who are celebrating Memorial Day in honor of their soldier know how beyond grateful you are for their sacrifice and the freedom their soldier gives us all.

   I look forward to hearing about how you let spring inspire you to renew and recharge. Please give me a ring at 617-980-1728, email Kristan@mooneytunco.com, or even better join the conversation on the Let’s Chat blog.


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