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Kristan Dean's blog

Posted by Kristan Dean on April 1, 2015

Why is it so hard to let go? I’m not talking about just things, I’m talking about everything. I want to know why we keep things that we no longer use, need or want. What do we gain by holding onto feelings that hurt us like anger, frustration and sadness? Why do we keep doing things that we know are harmful? Why do we cling to relationships that are falling apart?

  Are we afraid? Do we think we will have less if we let things go or that we need to hold onto pain to punish the perpetrator? Are our lives so overwhelming that we need to harm ourselves in order to cope or are they so unfulfilling that we think harming ourselves brings happiness? Have we lost so much trust in our friends and our partners that we cannot entrust them to help grow our relationships in whatever direction they are meant to go?

  When I look at these questions, I think wow, are our lives this negative? They‘re not! Every one of us has love. We do things to improve and make ourselves better every day. We feel happiness, peace, and contentment and we use and enjoy so many of the things that we have in our lives.

  Does this mean the solution to letting go of the negative is to concentrate on holding onto the positive things in our worlds? If only it were that easy. In many ways I think it is easier for us to hold onto things that hold us back than it is for us to realize that we cannot hold on to anything. Everything we receive in this life is temporary. We know the only thing permanent in this world is change and yet we keep holding on. Why?     Change is scary. Even when we try to make a change for the better a small a part of us screams: what if this is the best life can give us? Some part of us is afraid that if we let go it might get worse. If we give up the clothes we hope to fit into our weight might sky rocket. Start taking everything in stride … let go of our anger and frustration … people might mistake our kindness for weakness. Stop clinging to our relationships and they might end. We could end up alone.

  There is no way that small voice is right, but for a moment let’s pretend it is. Let’s keep the clothes that do not fit us. Give everyone that crosses us a piece of our mind. Forget about giving up bad habits and never change or end another relationship. Are we happy? No! Keeping things that no longer serve us does not make us happy. It prevents us from letting new things in.

  We need to let spring inspire us to renew our lives! Let’s go through our homes and ask: is there someone who will appreciate this more than me? Let’s look at the habits we want to give up and ask ourselves is there something I can do that is better than this? What can I do for the next 5 minutes, 10 minutes, hour that will help me see a better choice?

  Let’s give ourselves the gift of forgiveness so that we can strive to become more and forgive others so that they do not have the power to hinder us. As nature comes to life around us let’s realize: Love never dies. If there is a relationship in our world that is falling apart let’s forget about clinging to the past and do everything we can to let go of the hurt, the anger, and the outcome.

  This spring let’s forget about holding on and concentrate on giving. Let’s make a pact every day to give love, compassion and kindness to ourselves and everyone that walks onto our paths. I look forward to hearing what giving brings into your world. Please give me a ring at 617-980-1728, email Kristan@mooneytunco.com, or even better join the conversation on the Let’s Chat blog.


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